Block, Docks and a wheelbarrow

Event Date

Dec 21, 2019


Nice cool morning and great to see some friendly faces!

25 x SSH

15 x Squats

10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Plank Jacks

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Back playground for max pull ups and then grab a block.  Mosey back up to the lot and place in ghetto Glavan wheel barrow. 

Patriotic/Top Gun/Pearl Jam music played throughout workout from speaker stuffed in my daughter’s flower pattern lunchbox.  We be jamming!

One pax pushes wheel barrow about 100 yds while other pax run ahead and do 5 burpees, when wheel barrow arrives that pax does 5 burpees, plank it out for the 6.

Repeated about 6 times to get to the SVU clubhouse.

Shuttle run across parking lot, one pax pushes wheel barrow one way up lot and then builds a shape with the blocks and returns with empty wheel barrow.  Next pax goes up loads blocks and brings it back to build a new shape.  Meanwhile other pax do exercises:





Grab blocks and hit the docks.  10 docks by clubhouse, block run to each one to end of dock and do one of 5 exercises:

Curls x 30

Block Rows x 20

Skull crushers x 20

Block squats x 20

Flutter kicks with block held up x 20

Run to next dock.  10x. 

Back to wheelbarrow in parking lot.  Blocks in and again for return…One pax pushes wheel barrow about 100 yds while other pax run ahead and do 5 burpees, when wheel barrow arrives that pax does 5 burpees, plank it out for the 6.

Blocks up, max pull ups. 


15 x hello dollys

15 x heels to heaven

15 x LBCs

30 sec American Hammer

Mobile Coffeeteria

Warm coffee, graham crackers with fellowship in the SVU AO! 


“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Hard week for our family, Dad had a second stroke and was immobile and can’t communicate.  Crushing for our family and hard to make sense of it but taking it one day at a time and not trying to solve the whole problem and figure out the future seems to be key.  Being in the hospital a lot also showed me how we all have stuff going in our lives that we deal with and its good to keep that in mind as we extend grace and patience to others.   


-Old Yeller (Strudel) rolls in with a great attitude and motivation as always.

-Shredder critiqued the workout title and said it could have rhymed better. 

-Cheetah beat us to the burpee spot first……while pushing the blocks in the wheel barrow!

-Skipper came in at the end after a good run.  Lost his Grandma, Mary, last night.  Family in our prayers.


Fair Winds and Following Seas
