Block Head

Greeting Fine Fellow PAX,

ELHS-Mustang, the PREMIER F3 AO of Denver, NC pulled 18 HIM on a brisk, but beautiful fall morning. With temps in the mid-20s, there was a low expectation for numbers; however, the Q was rather impressed with the turnout. It’s been a while for YHC, both in posting and as Q, so hang with me as I navigate this bb and give credit to those who attended these shenanigans. Everything we completed will most likely not make it to text, thus within the bb, but that’s ok…who reads past the names anyways. In my attempt to always test my mind and memory capacity I craft a little to no winkie, and never scribe the names during the COT.

Disclaimer provided to those who were on time, and I think I heard a few PAX share it again a little later as we carried blocks over our heads up and down hills…more to come in a moment.



Merkin Clock 5 IC for N, S, E, and W

15 SSH IC for Closer and Moneyball, as they came in on 2nd shift hours

10 IC Flutter Kicks, just because I want the PAX to moan and complain about doing a MARY exercise early into the workout. It’s okay to be different and creative everyone. Challenge the status-quo and do things differently, business as normal gets old.

The Thang

Mosey to the block pile and everyone grab one, or a rock since we don’t have 18 blocks, nor heated ones like SVU, and people to pick them up and carry them for us…wait, who am I kidding…no one posts to SVU.

Take block to the top of the hill

Overhead carry block to wall (~100 yds.)

10 IC squats w block

Overhead carry block to start (~100 yds.)

10 IC Block Merkins

Back to wall with block straight out in front of PAX (~100yds)

10 IC squats w block

To the hill for:

  • Mosey to the bottom (no block) oh we left them back to the top but crab walk backwards
  • Carry block to the bottom
  • Shucks back to the top w block
  • Ooops need to head back down
  • Nope, to the top bear crawl

Divide into groups where G1 runs a lap around the school and G2 takes their block and a G1 PAX block back down the hill and conducts farmer carries back and forth across the practice field (~50yds x 4-5 times)

When G1 finally gets back from their run (walk) flip/flop roles and conduct business

Blocks up, and head to the freshly installed pull-up bars

These things are nice! Let’s put 18 PAX through 3 rounds of AMRAP pull-ups

Enough working out, let’s play games…it is Clubber’s Q

Divide back into teams and play a few series of 3 down touch football. Closer didn’t understand why only 3 downs per series. Closer was also his team’s #22, since that’s the only direction they went each down.



10 IC Flutter Kicks (Abrams style)

10 IC Low Dollies


Had two visitors today, and hope they continue to post at Mustang…welcome: Mr. Hand and Burning Bush!

Also, two FNGs’ were in attendance. FNG-1 we dubbed Boucher (like Bobby Boucher Jr. aka The Waterboy), for reasons that are now slipping my mind. Boucher came to us through a 2nd & 3rd F initiative led by Spork, Fabio, C#, and Sonar, where a trip to a Lincolnton church and men’s breakfast was conducted several weeks ago. The group connected with F3 PAX Blaze, and discussed F3 with the breakfast group, thus presenting a fine HIM. Next, we have FNG-2, now known as Easy Bake. Easy Bake, I suppose likes to bake, lives local and in the Villages of Denver, along with 77.374% of Denver’s other residents, and was brought out by Twinkle. We welcome you both and encourage you to return as often as possible.

Mumble Chatter

  • YHC didn’t catch much this morning
  • A few grumbles about the blocks, meh it’s working out fellas
  • Great numbers today and lots of strong efforts

In closing, YHC has missed most of 2019. Not by injury or illness, but by a lack of motivation. Four years ago I began my F3 journey and for most of the first three years I poured everything into it, and I gained some fantastic rewards…my first bible, my first prayer in front of others, strength, better health numbers, great friends and several I’d leave my kids with (seriously anyone up for watching them?). But in all honesty, I am still not feeling it as I am close to signing off this bb. Something just isn’t clicking anymore for me. Early mornings, the cold, the heat, the rain, wind, hurricanes, long miles, heavy stuff, meh that’s all easy…I honestly can’t pinpoint what F3 isn’t doing for me in which I should change my behaviors again. I do know this has been a cyclical journey, ups and downs, fun and not so much, unique and creative workouts, to blah and why did I get out of the fartsack for this. At the end, I think it’s about finding your Purpose, and it’s different for each of us.

So my ask:

  • Don’t yuck someone’s yum. Don’t think you have all the answers and what works for you works for everyone else.
  • Be patient, but be persistent. If you know someone is struggling, reach out…text, call, go over, just offer.
  • Talk, but most of all listen. Don’t just hear….really listen, someone needs you.
  • There is a PAX that looks up to you, regardless of who you are. If you’re reading this, yes you, if you’re this far down into this rant some other PAX looks up to you and needs you, at workouts, 2nd F, 3rd F, dinner, breakfast, coffee, a text, etc.
  • Be different and challenge the status quo, you’re freed to lead.
  • There is a name (and person) behind the name. Many only know me as Clubber, yep there is a story there, as we all have them, behind our PAX name, but there is also a longer, better sweeter, darker, scarier, beautiful story behind the hospital name. Do you know these stories behind the PAX that stand next to you in the gloom? No? You should….and when you do, you start to see numbers >1, 2, 3, 18, 20, 30 at workouts, and 2nd & 3rd events.


Clubber (Matt, one of probably 15 in Denver F3)

Be kind, be different, and do something to change someone’s day

