Block Island Excursion

Event Date

Feb 11, 2017


7 PAX came out to take an island excursion in Sailview.  They came with swimtrunks and snorkles.  They left with biceps and other manly things.  Skipper was at the helm of this ship…..

Warm Up:

10 IC Cross-Country Skiiers


12 IC Low Country Crab Cakes

10 IC Tony Hawks

Football Drill

Block Island:

Mosey to the back, partner-up; grab 1 block per

Block run to Block Island (Front island by Sailview Fountain)

Round 1:

Partner 1 = Block Island Excursion (BIE)  – Run a lap around Block Island with a 33lb block

Partner 2 = Crawl Bear back and forth in the side play yard until partner return

Flip Flop Partners

Round 2:

P1 = BIE; P2 = Lunge Walks

Flip Flop

Round 3:

P1 = BIE; P2 = InchMERKINworms

Round 4:

P1 = BIE; P2 = Crabwalk

Round 5:

P1 = BIE; P2 = Lunge Walk

Round 6: 

P1 = BIE; P2 = InchMERKINworms

Round 7:

P1 = BIE; P2 = Burpee LongJumps

Mosey Back to AO; Return Blocks


?? IC WWIs

10 IC Plank Ups

10 IC Windshield Wiper

:?? Secs Mason Twist


Sermon series at my church has hit home lately.  "Creating Safe Harbors".  Even the the heartiest sailor needs to come to shore every once in awhile to a harbor to "reprovision", get food, etc.  We have safe harbors too.  Church and F3 are some of my harbors.  We go to church to reprovision.  To get a refreshment of his word, his spirit, his strength.  But we are not called to just stay in church, we are called to go out and spread his word to others.  With F3 its similar.  We hate it in Round 7 of taking a lap around Block Island with a 33lb block, yet we do it anyway.  Why?  Because we know it makes us stronger.  We are reprovisioning ourselves, our mind, body and soul.  Then we are called to take F3 out into the community.  To show others why this thing is so powerful.  Are you creating safe harbors in your life?  Where do you go to reprovision?  


 – Abrams shows up with his bad leg and still beats everyone around the island.  Beast.

 – I once again barely make it out alive by keeping ample distance away from Dandelion; Idle threats

 – Yes, Block Island is actually an island up in NY I believe, but our Block Island is much better in my opinion.  It has a waterfall, lush green grass, and shade trees.  And you usually have to pay EXTRA for island excursions but this one was free!

 – Puddle made sure that I had actually called Crawl Bear instead of Bear Crawl…yep, that just happened

 – Good to see Big Easy back on Saturdays.  We no longer have to cut through his yard to try to wake him up.

 – Vortex asked how running around with blocks for :45 was meant to be one of our easier workouts.  Well we could have had 2 blocks? hmmm

 – Great coffeeteria afterwards, even though Mustang did show up.  Glad they don't read these things.

Community Event coming-up!


 – Sequence of Events:

0700 = Workout at SVU and Mustang-(I think they workout)

0800 = Coffee

1030 = Family/Kid Friendly workout led by our very own IRONCLAD at Catawba Springs Elementary School gymnasium.  ($5 and bring a canned good)  This great even supports Josh Warren, a fallen firefighter from our community.  I'll put details in the email.

 – Great to lead and be led by you gentlemen.  You guys are a FORCE.