Block Party at #TheVanquisher

11 partied with blocks at #TheVanquisher. Here is their story:


7 met #TheStandard at varying paces (Lego, Gray Ghost, 9 Lives, El Chapo, YHC, Stray, & Nordberg)


Mosey around Grand Oak (the block)


SSH x 25 IC
IST x 10 IC
Cotton picker x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey to grab a block

The Thang:

Block party Burpees x 10 OYO
8 count burners x 10 IC
Block party Burpees x 10 OYO

Run around the block

Squats x 20 IC
Low flutters x 15 IC
Step ups x 10 OYO

Run around the block

Block party Burpees x 10 OYO
8 count burners x 10 IC
Chest press/low flutter x 10 IC

Run around the block

Block party Burpees x 10 OYO

Mosey to the flower boxes

Squats x 20 IC
Low flutters x 15 IC
Step ups x 10 OYO

Run around the block

Block party Burpees x 10 OYO

Zamperini to put back the blocks

Peoples chair
Seal claps x 20 IC
Overhead claps x 20 IC


Homer to Marge
Low flutter x 25 IC
Low dolley x 10 IC
Low flutter x 10 IC

Recover recover



  • Strong work by everyone this morning. Nice to have a laid back morning filled with block party burpees…50 in total
  • Apparently YHC was too cheap to splurg for the blocks with 2 handles
  • El Chapo forgot to inform his BRR team that gloves are needed at #TheVanquisher
  • Q's needed at #TheVanquisher for July…get on it
  • Isotope 5 year convergence on August 27th
  • Thanks El Chapo for the opportunity to lead such a fine group of men and thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…

Don Ho