Block Pile Transfer

Event Date

Mar 27, 2021


5 appeared from the gloom for a beautiful bird-chirppin' Spring morning.  The SVU usuals had a pleasant surprise, seeing Clark pull in.  He mentions that he recently felt his hammy say, "ouchie," and decided to come to SVU over the soccer plans at Mustang.  Glad he heard the disclaimer, and glad he figured some scalable versions.  This is how it all went down.

Warm Up
SSH…a few more than 20 so that everyone knocked out 20
Grandma Maters
Imperial Squat Walkers
Dippy Birds
Should circles
Merkin T Planks #crowdpleaser
Seal Jacks

Go grab blocks and return to the AO
Block transfer, pax ab blaster:
Place all the blocks in a pile at the bottom of the p.lot.
4 pax head to top
last pax starts carrying the blocks up to the top, one at a time.
4 pax does either set A or set B
Set A = plank, glue bridge, JLo, fire hydrants, and Wood Chops
Set B = inch worms, bird dog, windshield wipers, side plank, wood chops
rotate through

Pine Straw Trailer Monkey Walk Follow the Leader

Murder Bunny interlude
Carry blocks up the Murder Bunny Fields Forever
MB to the other side + 20 curls
MB back + 20 merkins
MB to the other side + 20 presses
MB back + 3o hanging rows
Carry blocks back

Return to the AO
One more round of Block Transfer pax ab blaster
Blocks back, times up

Reflection: James 1: 2-4
Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the tsting of your faith produces steadfastness/endurance.  And let steadfastness/endurance have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
– pretty common verse but I saw a new element to it recently
– the last part, about letting endurance have its full effect, had me thinking about how I've seen past challenges.  Maybe I've grabbed onto the first obvious lesson of any situation.  Thinking now that I need to make sure I'm really understanding and aware of some deeper lessons.  Maybe there are some things I should have learned a long time ago, but I didn't endure enough to really learn the lesson I needed.
– something that I'm still chewing on…maybe something that resonates with you too.

– Shirley really really really has a hard time just walking with the blocks.  Something about Getting into the Groove with his block…we just let that go.
– Shirley's block carry method does inspire an impromptu uphill block press and hold past a couple yards
– Anvil is mostly recovered from The COVID.  He shares how happy he was that he wasn't the one to introduce it to the family.  Still completely crushing everything.
– Clark manages the scalability and seems able to walk when he leaves. #winning
– Strudel seems to know the location of YHC's future new address at corner of Buffalo Shoals and Shuford.  Someone mentions a new AO out that way.  My thoughts are N-O, but we'll see.  I'll probably be able to do some Thursday night Lincolnton brew runs.

Such an honor to lead these fine men.
