Block up those Shoulders

12 Gents filtered in and was ready for what most knew included some merkins……..

Missing from the name list is Jailbreak and PB&J


SSH x 20

Frankenstein x 10

Standing cheerleader x 10

Donkey kick x 10

Merkin x 10


Go Grab a block…


Lower ramp

Zamperini to other side of parking deck

Walk back doing 5 curls

Zamperini back to other side of parking deck

Walk back doing 5 curls

Decline Merkins on block x 10

2 Gassers

Zamperini to other side of parking deck

Walk back doing 5 Shoulder presses

Zamperini back to other side of parking deck

Walk back doing 5 Shoulder presses

10 Jump ups

4 Gassers

Sitting shoulder presses


Partner up


Partner 1 farmer carry blocks to 1st column

Partner 2 Shoulder touch merkins  – up to 100 together

Flip flop  – I think it took all 5 columns up and 1 or 2  back down with farmer carries


Split into groups of 3’s

Partner 1 curls – bottom of ramp

Partner 2 Shoulder presses – top of ramp

Partner 3 Run to switch

Three rounds


To the next level


Zamperini to other side of parking deck – 1 block burpee

Zamperini back  – 2 block burpees

Zamperini back to the other side of parking deck – 1 block burpee

Zamperini back  – 2 block burpees

Ranger merkins x 10

4 Gassers

Zamperini to the other side and Zamperini back

Zamperini to other side of parking deck – 4 block burpees

Zamperini back  – 5 block burpees

Zamperini back to the other side of parking deck – 4 block burpees

Zamperini back  – 5 block burpees


Partner up

Return blocks to the bottom – Partner 1 farmer carry, Partner 2 do 5 merkins and catch partner – flip flop




Jack knife LBC – x10 each leg

Pretzel crunch  – x10 each leg

Shoulder touch merkins x 10



New faces that I hadn’t seen – Jailbreak, he was healing up from a back issue but looked strong out there today, great work!

Surprised to see a car pull up and it was PB&J driving, wow how time flies, I remember when 9-lives use to bring him out as a small child. I also heard during the gasser he was killing it and keeping count for his dad.

Freedom called it early as he knew we would do shoulders or merkin work, Pit-stop asked if we needed gloves….Freedom recommended with a look..

Pit-stop seems to like the gassers, so watch out for his Q…said he might incorporate. Him and PB& J may have been tied for first on all of the rounds. He should be recruited for a race, somebody is missing on that.

I didn’t have to call the last exercise of course Jenny knew what was coming.

And yes Camelback I heard you… I wanted to make sure you got your dose of shoulders.

Well Crocs….he just mumbled and chattered thru every exercise….a stream of conscious about well almost anything or nothing.

I’ve had a Gray ghost citing 3 times in the last several weeks, glad to workout with him, it’s been awhile, appears he’s back to boot camps. I see nothing has changed…he did a standard, crushed the workout and instead of beers, seen him take off down the street for more miles…..amazing!

There were a few that got the miles before the workout, Burning bush getting ready for the P200, Crocs, Camelback and Something. I think Something needs to be recruited for an event too..Strong work gents!

Crocs thanks for allowing me to Q, it's always an honor to have the opportunity to lead.