Block Work Under Weight

Event Date

Mar 14, 2018

PAX was foretold that today's workout would be Ruck friendly and responded favorably with everyone CTHT and getting under weight of vest or ruck. Solid 10 got at it including an FNG, more below.  

Warm Up

20 x SSH IC

20 x Monkey Humpers IC

20 x Pickle Pounders IC

20 x Reverse Pickle Pounders IC

Indian March – merkin at back and fast march to front around the parking lot and head to blocks

The Thang

Grab a block

10 IC Hold Squats

10 IC Skull crushers

10 IC Dead lift

10 IC Press

Down quadraphilia hill carrying block and back up

10 IC Rock Curls

10 IC Thrusters

10 IC Overhead C

10 IC Lunges

Down quadraphilia hill carrying block and back up

10 IC Hold Squats

10 IC Skull crushers

10 IC Dead lift

10 IC Press

Down quadraphilia hill carrying block and back up

10 IC Rock Curls

10 IC Thrusters

10 IC Overhead C

10 IC Lunges

Indian March – merkin at back and fast march to front around the parking lot and head to launch pad


20 x Low flutter IC

20 x low dolly IC

Remove Weight

1 Minute Max sit-ups


Romans 5:3-5 NLT


“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”


The joy of being a Christ following is not the freedom from the struggles of life but the power of the Spirit to endure. Thanks C# for the reference to shocks on a car, great analogy.




  • Welcome to FNG Russell Stroupe EH’d by Scope to join us. PAX is growing and good job #GivingItAway. Russell had a solid first post and there were many options for the name-o-rama with him being an electrician but PAX settled on Wire Nut.Glad to have you out there.

  • Solid effort across the PAX with most #CTHT (chose the harder thing)

  • Expect more of the Ruck Friendly ziploc Qs over the next 45 days

  • Q may have been a little militant this morning, guess that is what happens when you sack up ! T-claps to HoleShot for leading the PAX back to the Launchpad safely. Great formation during the Indian Marches (mostly) .

  • Pi day and not a single reference, Q fail 
