BlockBuster in Hollywood

13 pax for a block buster hit @ Hollywood.  Metallica and Landline for the #standard.


Mosey down to Chipotle parking lot and circle up

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Cotton pickers x 15 IC
  • Mericans  x 15 IC
  • Arm circles

The Thang:

Grab a block and circle up in parking lot

Scene 1:

  • Curls x 15 IC
  • Overhead press x 15 IC
  • Skull crushers x 15 IC
  • Lawnmowers x 10 OYO(each arm)
  • Block squats x 15 IC

Run a lap and upon return perform Muhammad Ali’s x 15 IC

Scene 2:

  • Blockees x 10 OYO
  • Block swings x 10 OYO
  • One breasted Mericans x 10 OYO (each breast)
  • Seated overhead press x 10 IC

Run a lap

Scene 3:

Partner up

  • P1: Farmer Carry around the island
  • P2: Mericans x 20 OYO (2 rounds)

Once P2 finishes, run and relieve P1 and flip flop

  • P1: Farmer Carry around the island
  • P2: LBC x 20 OYO(2 rounds)

Scene 4:

  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Overhead Press x 10 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  • Lawn mowers x 10 IC
  • Chest Press x 10 IC
  • One breasted mericans x 10 OYO (each breast)

Return blocks and form single line for an Indian Run back to the fountain for Mary


  • Step ups x 10 (each leg) OYO
  • W’s x 15 IC (Eeyore)
  • Alphabet with legs A-Z (Bouncy House)
  • Peter Parkers x 15 IC (Metallica)
  • Pretzel crunch x 10 IC (Magnus)


Thanks to the Birkdale CC for making an appearance today…’s been too long since the last post.  It was good to see Binary out in the gloom this morning; welcome back brother. Appreciate everyone for coming out this morning and getting after it.  You guys are the reason I do this.  Thanks to DeepDish for giving me the chance to take the lead this morning.   We prayed for Landline’s Mother-in-Law and Boss as they fight illnesses.  Until next time     -E