Blocks and Burpes

Event Date

Jul 27, 2022

No Q No Sweat.  Actually a lot of sweat o a warm humid morning!  FNG is Dr J.

warm Up

SSH, CP, WM, toy soldier, arm rotation 

Beat Down

Mosey to bench for dips then 4 stations for 5,10,15 and 20 merkins.  Mosey to block pile.  Curls, skull crushers,squat press, on 6 for sit ups,  press to OH extend, wall sit for 60 seconds with 20 arm extensions, swings.   Mosey to pull up bars for 3 cycles of 5 pull ups, 10 PU, 15 squats.  Bear crawl to end of stadium seats, quads to end of field.  Mosey to blocks to return.  Lunge walk to front of gym.  Dips,  Alf raises.  Mosey lap back to launch pad with stops for  burpees.


Each pax picked an exercise.  Prayed out.  

