Blocks and Rocks

Event Date

Aug 14, 2016

6 Pax set sail into the sunset on a pain cuise around Discovery Place Kids


The thang:

Run to neighborhood park


20xIC Imperial Storm Troopers

15xIC Cotton Pickers

10xIC Mountain Climbers slow


10xIC Merkins

5,4,3,2,1 Pull ups with plank inbetween

Run to Craftys for 10xIC Squats

Rock Pile

10xIC Low Curl, High Curl, Full Curl Drop Rocks

Run to Guard rail and back to you rock

Switch Rocks 10xShoulder Press, Skull Crushers

Run to Guard rail and back

Put rocks away

To the Garage

Grab a Block

Block over head 1 floor, set down block, sprint to bottom, 10 merkins, sprint to your block Repeto untuil we reach the top. Planks and LBCs mixed in.

Back Down- curls, overhead press


15xIC The W

10x IC Peter Parker Parker Peter

10xIC Mason Twist

Recover Recover



It was a pleasure leading such a fine group of guys. 

Strutter is coming along and kicking some butt. Keep it up your getting there BRR next year!!

Snake Eyes with the double down. You are a machine

Is that Mooch, yep alittle late but running hill runs in the garage by yourself will give you some street cred.

Its great to see the man who EHed me back at it after a loooooong break. It sucks starting over dosent it. Great job Woodchuck it gets better. 

You might be fast and young Flying Squirrel but you need to work on how to do some Side Straddle Hops. You know what Im talking about.


Woodchuck and Flying Squirrel were in the PAX as well I guess I need to get them in the system


Great Job By All