Blocks. Blocks. And Rubbers.

Blocks Blocks And Rubbers @Mighty Oak


Warm up lap


SSH 20x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

Toy soldier 15x IC


Stations: all exercises 15x IC 

After each station a run to far end of parking lot.



Skull crushers

OH press

Chest press


Walking lunges to next basketball goal


Stack the shelf 




Push block to next basketball goal


World War II sits


Incline merkins

Plank ups


R side step to next basketball goal


Decline Merkins

Muhammad Ali’s

Block jumps 20x OYO

Side to side jump overs 20x OYO


L side step to next basketball goal 

Put blocks up


R side step with exercise band

L side step with exercise band

Monster Walk with exercise band


Circle of Mary 

LBCs 15x IC

Pickle Pounder 20x IC

J LO 10x IC

Mountain climber 20x IC

Pretzel crunch 15x IC


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Roadie.


Cousin Eddie 


