Blocks, Burpees and Tecno at Mad Sci

(PAX member Kermit not listed)


14 PAX showed up to Mad Science determined to claim our territory back from a certain tecno playing group that shares the parking lot.  Here's how it went down.


Mosey to Top

SSH x 20

Carrot Pullers: x 10

Stormtrooper x 10

Toy Soldier x 10

Windmill  x 10

Peter Parker / Flap Jap

Merkins x 10

Squat Jump to Steps x 10


Moses to down and pick up the blocks from their new home across the street.  Regroup and Bottom floor.


Stacked Exercise:  Complete one exercise,  run a lap, stack the second exercise.  Side of burpees.  Run up the deck, down the stairs.


Set 1:  20 Curls, 20 Chest Press,  5  Burpees.  Run up deck. Down the stairs.

Set 2:  20 Curls, 20 Chest Press, 20 Bent over rows, 4 burpees Run up deck. Down the stairs.

Set 3: 20 Curls,  20 Chest Press , 20 Bent over rows, 20 Shoulder Press, 3 Burpees. Run up deck. Down the stairs.

Set 4: 20 Curls,  20 Chest Press, 20 Bent over rows, 20 Shoulder Press, 20 Block Swings, 2 Burpees. Run up deck. Down the stairs. (somewhere around here we Burpees went away)

Set 5:  20 Curls, 20 Chest Press, 20 Bent over rows, 20 Shoulder Press, 20 Block Swings, 20 Skull Crushers, 1 Burpee. Run up deck. Down the stairs.


Plank until the last man comes in. 


Mosey with blocks back to their new home.




Low Flutter x 15

Dolly x 15

LBC x 25

Freddy Mercury X 25

Pretzel Crunches x15 (Flap Jack)

WWII Sit Ups x 15






Thanks to LaBon for the opportunity to lead here. Mad Science was my first post back in May and it's a special place for me.  As always, the PAX seemed willing to entertain my recent obsession with the newly acquired blocks. 

Ty WebB, Lego, Master Po and Caboose seemed to be leading the PAX yet again.  Strong performance!

The rest of us finished off strong on what was a challenging set with lots of running thrown in there as well.  The PAX is getting stronger. I can see it.  The PAX is getting closer and closer.


I mentioned The Force's friend, Bill Parker, passing away this week.   I did  not realize that I knew Bill from his days at Lowe's.  He was a super charismatic guy.  Always smiling.  He'd always bring his daughter up to our row so we could show her some sketches.  He touched a lot of lives and will be sorely missed.  Please continue to pray for his family as they go through this tough time.


It was an honor to lead this work out.  Until next time.