Blocks to the Top

Event Date

Feb 07, 2024

Warm Up

We did:

Arm Rotations 





Plank Shoulder Tap


Calf Raises

Main Thang

Stairs to 11

Lap Circuit with 11 stations for: Burpies, Dips, Step Ups, CH Squats, Merkins, Lunge Walk, Aussie Pull Ups .  To the block pile.  Thanks for the most recent addition of CBs.  I took advantage of the baby CBs while rest of PAX took the big boys!  Shame on me!

Started with push or pull CBs up the bank.  Did wall sit curls, milk jugs.  Next we did:

Trifectas, swings, rows, dead lift, sumo squats, swings.

On six for: press to OH extend, sit ups.  Up for step overs.  Then we Zambini with blocks to wall.  Blocks back and mosey to launch pad.

No Mary due to time. Prayers for George, Dr Doolittle’s M, Bertha & family and Clark’s back.  Pleasure to lead!