Blocky Indian Run

After the usual warm-up, The Q tried to combine some block work with an Indian "run" carrying blocks Zamporini style.

Each acquired a block and spaced them 10' in a line along the path of the circuit in the parking lot.

We did 10 reps then Zamporini carried our block to the front of the line.  This was comical as we all finish at about the same time on the first round. Then we run the loop, stop at the first open block and do 15 reps, Zamporini our new friend to the front, run the circuit, stop at the first available block and do 20 reps – Then plank for all to catch up and start the next exercise.


WE did this for Diamond Merkins, curls, OH presses, Squats, skull crushers, Dying Cockroaches, and maybe another or two – smile.

Each was assigned to call someone today, BY NOON, that needed some socializing and support.


Thanks Boys for the best way to start a day.