Blood Flowing and Sweat Dripping

Event Date

Dec 03, 2020


Blood Flowing and Sweat Dripping

Per the preblast yesterday, I promised the pax to keep moving and stay warm, so I kept my promise. Here is how things went down.

5:30 – I come in hot from running a solo standard and we are off.

Mosey to the fire station for Warm-o-Rama but first stopping to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Circle up:


Toy Soldier 15x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker/Long snapper 15x IC

Windmill 15x IC

Burpee 1x OYO (since Hollywood and Eeyore were present)

Mosey from fire station to Cashion’s Gas Station

Find a section of railing for:

Incline mericans 12x IC

Dips 12x IC

Bulgarian Split Squats     12x IC per leg

Mosey to Walgreens and grab some wall for people’s chair:

Air press 15x IC

Get a little lower

Seal Clap 15x IC

Recover from People’s chair and get feet on ledge for:

Decline mericans 12x IC


Mosey over toward Kadi Fit


Start with 10 squats at top of hill on side of Cornelius Police Station and 1 hand release merican at bottom of hill. Continue alternating numbers until you get to 1 squat and 10 hand release mericans. Then we moseyed back to top of hill and found some railing for:

Side plank Jane Fonda’s 12x IC per leg

Recover and mosey to front of police station for:

Step ups 10x/leg OYO

Dips 12x IC

Recover and start to mosey back toward launch.

Stop our mosey on back side of Lakeside Family Physicians for:

Muhammed Ali’s 20x IC

Squats with bottoms touching low ledge 10x OYO

Box jumps 10x OYO

Mosey to launch and circle up for Mary:

Freddie Mercury’s 20x IC (Canuck with varying speeds of cadence calling)

Burpees 10x OYO (Eeyore)

Mericans 10x IC (Bijoux)

LBCs 12x IC (Uncle Rico)

Burpees 5x OYO (Hollywood)

Low flutter 35x IC (Bagboy – he stopped here because pax had pretty much stopped by this point)

Rosalita 20x IC (Cousin Eddie)

2.5-minute mobility moment led by Canuck

Recover Recover






Everyone kept themselves warm, heart rates up, and got 2.09 miles in.

Please continue to be safe and socially distance when possible. Keep our fellow F3 brothers who are suffering with Covid in your prayers and prayer for anyone suffering with this virus.

I could use some help with Q’s at Fission – calendar is wide open.

Hippie came to join us after doing another Horseshoe this morning in hopes of sharing in some great 2nd F with coffeetia. Bagboy, Eeyore, and I joined for a little hot coffee.

Always a pleasure to lead such a great group of men,

Cousin Eddie