BloodMoon Circuits – In Cadence

Event Date

Jan 21, 2019

9 PAX gathered on a chilly Monday, bundled up for the frozen tundra.

Disclaimer given 0529 / 0530.  Shovel flag in place – no penalty burpees.

Warm Up:

IC SSH – 20

IC Cottonpickers – 10

IC – Small arm circles (forward/rear) – 10ish (lots of confusion re: "rear" vs. reverse)

IC – Large arm circles (forward/rear) – 6/7

Tha Thang:

Parking Lot Lap – end at flagpole (THE flagpole – not the shovel flag)

IC Bench Dips – 10

Mosey to bottom of parking lot

Dragonwalk to top of parking lot (almost lost 90% of PAX on this one)

Air squats (Q forgot due to so much complaining about dragonwalk)

High knees to second parking lot entrance

IC Merkins – 10

Karaoke to bottom of parking lot

IC Burpees – 10

Mosey to flag pole (note – this completed loop one)

4.5 Loops completed – each with IC exercise that held IC Merkins and IC Burpees constant.  Flagpole exercise varied as (IC Dips/IC Decline Merkins/IC Dips/IC Incline Merkins/IC Dips).  Trip to top of parking lot varied as (Dragonwalk/lunges/quadraphelia/lunges/bear crawl).  Top Right Corner exercises varied as (air squats/IC air squats/IC mountain climbers/squat jumps/IC mountain climbers).



30 24 IC Flutterkicks (YHC stopped when half the PAX's feet were on the ground)


Phil 1:27 Only let your conduct be as it becometh the gospel of Christ; that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

Challenge: Is your conduct becoming of the gospel of Christ?  What does that mean to you?  How can you improve?


Note the consistent use of IC exercises (4 count).  This was intentional as YHC was struck by Mulligan's Saturday Q Fail and wanted to ensure we all stuck together.  It worked.  But goodness the opportunity for complaining and Q harassing seemed to go up exponentially… 

Rumor has it that some SVU owe Mulligan money because we had more than 5 post in the cold…  Sinners.

YHC was surprised to find out that I picked up a new spouse in C#.  This was evidenced by the constant correction at each turn.  I apparently don't start exercises properly, end exercises properly or communicate properly – which C# felt obligated to point out… constantly…  I'm better for it (or at least I feel like i'm supposed to say that)

Apparently the dragonwalk up the parking lot was not a crowd favorite (but swole chest & shoulders and tight core are awesome).  I believe Mulligan and I were the only ones that completed it.  (Shout out to Mullligan for attacking the full workout – he's got Spartan in his sights.)  Halfway up I looked back and saw 7 walking PAX (I think Sonar had a pipe in his hand so I was glad I checked).   Marker continues to be a stud and the improvement in his ability is noticeable.  Happy to see Sonar and C# out consistently (even if C# was more focused on my approach than his own effort).  Sonar pulled a "you do you" on the bearcrawl (almost as popular as the dragonwalk) to which Clark mentioned something about a wrist problem but YHC didn't push further.  I want to thank Diesel and Crawdad for being the only ones that actually counted during the In Cadence (YHC was questioning a full workout with IC as breathing became more challenged).  It seemd Crawdad got bored about halfway thru – YHC will try to challenge him more next time (but he did say he needed more upper body strength – 120 merkins should help).   YHC was pleased to see that Mater was leading the pack on the first lap around the parking lot – he's turned in to quite a runner (even if he does breath like a freight train).

As always, it was a pleasure to lead.

YHC = Kaczynski