Blown away with the lack of any air movement

FNG-1 is Yogi
FNG-2 is an actual FNG who stepped into a beauty

It was a balmy 89 degrees with 90% humidity as the Pax gathered at 7:15 pm at Discovery Place Kids…here is their story:

Warm O'Rama?

  • The Co-Qs worked up a sweat setting up the 15 stations for the beat down
  • Freedom swore that there may be a hint of a breeze that would cool us down 
  • The PAX wandered in and lo and behold, Ponyboy from the Highlands appeared – that was significant to me as Ponyboy EH'd me into F3 and for that I am forever grateful
  • Circle Up
    • SSH X12 IC
    • Slow-down Merican (3 down – 1 up) X10 IC
    • Shoulder stretching
    • Take your position in one of the 15 stations

The Main Thang

YHC recently failed at smoking some ribs on the grill, so he decided to take it out on the PAX by smoking their abs and shoulders.  Due to the extreme heat, I audibled to 45 seconds AMRAP and 30 seconds of recovery.   Here is the exercise list:

  • Jump Rope
  • Plank shoulder taps
  • Resistance band Freddie Mercury where the band is around your feet
  • 40 lbs slam ball
  • 20 lbs curls on the half bosu
  • 30 lbs Dixie Hammer (or whatever its supposed to be called)
  • Jump Rope (you're welcome Jaws)
  • Resistance 'Mericans – with a long 60 lbs band around your shoulders (you're welcome Cherrybomb)
  • The Ball Crunch – Using the 10 lbs clam ball pass the ball between your feet and hands
  • Jack Press – do an SSH but press a 15 lbs weight up when you jump and bring it down when legs come together
  • Standing Chest Rows with an 85 lbs resistance band
  • 20 lbs body ball WW2 where the weight taps the ground behind your head
  • Battle ropes
  • Front Lat raises with Resistance bands or 25 lbs weights
  • Plank
  • Small resistance band shuffle side to side
  • Sand Bag squat and press

In between rounds we stopped and did the classis 'What's new pussycat' to the sound of Tom Jones and his velvety voice. For those of you who don't know, its hold Al Gore and every time Tom says 'Whats new Pussy Cat' we do a burpee. 

Recover after 1.75 rounds due to time and put the toys in the trunk of my car.  Circle up and do a 'mobility moment' stretch.

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Did I mention it was hot as balls?
  • The complaints were louder than the mumble chatter
  • About midway through the second round, I noticed that all energy was sucked out of the room and everyone was dripping wet
  • Carpetbagger and Cherrybomb decided to spice things up with some extra pull ups
  • Yogi is still out there doing work at age 76 and that's fantastic!
  • Dante is a runner who was a little gun shy on the abs work but got through just fine
  • Pitstop and Something had their usual lively banner
  • Crocs and Camelback ran a standard beforehand and somehow lived to the tell the story but were pretty fried for the workout
  • Ponyboy killed the workout to show off that he is still in better shape than me 6 years later
  • Burningbush enjoyed the variety and ate up the workout 
  • Jaws is a very efficient runner.  That efficiency is not transferable to jump rope!  
  • Strutter was back baby and loving every minute of it, including absolutely busting my balls about the music selection – which was the Hough lacrosse approved play list and not my usual curated choices due to time. 
  • I am grateful for 6 years at F3. I need to get out more.   Maybe we could look into some 6:30 am workouts like the Highlands which would greatly encourage my participation. 