Blue Falcon visits Fallout

Event Date

Aug 02, 2016


Pre Fallout Standard included Jedi and TBone, who got in a 5K, and YHC who joined late for about 2.2 miles.

The Thang:

Short mosey to bottom of parking lot for warm-o-rama – it was yesterday so from recall we did a disclaimer, some SSH, some IST, some Toy Soldier, and some Cotton Pickers (or whatever they're called).  Then is was off to the bottom-most part of the soccer fields to start…

The Blue Falcon

The idea of The Blue Falcon is to keep together and do the workout as a team without anyone getting too far ahead or behind.  Today's Blue Falcon started off with a Bear Crawl line – our goal was to stay in line all the way up to Beatties Ford Rd.  We made it a little over 2/3 of the way up.  Along the way we did may different exercices when either people got out too far ahead or behind, or when I decided to call someone out for my own reasons.  Some of the exercises were Arm Circles (thanks Force), Burpees, Mericans, Greg Louganis Mericans, and LBCs.  We also found a ladder between two fields which included a count down from 10 burpees to 1 and up from 1 Monkey Humper to 10 (or so), with some quadriphelia in between – those who finished early were SUPPOSED to knock out burpees until the rest of the pax finished, but pretty sure only a couple of us actually listened to the instructions on this part. To end the BF we Crawl Bear'd up a hill and did another burpee.

We finished off with some Mary ab work in the form of Homer to Marge with Smithers and Mr Burns thrown in, Rosalita, and J-Lo.


Small crowd with big hearts this morning.  Almost everyone fully participated in what was a thrown together workout designed to avoid running and focus on some upper body.  Jenny did call BS on the GL Merican, but I can't say I blame him.

Have to give it to Skywalker – I know at 14 I wouldn't have gotten out of bed at 5AM to go work out with a bunch of old guys.  T-Claps to you.  Doubt we'll see you on the week days here soon, you know with school and all, but we are still out on Saturdays!

Thanks for letting me take this one, TBone, it was a pleasure!


– Calypso