Five fellas fraternized around the evolving rebranding strategy to get a good stretch and some core work down at Cobalt. Twas a lovely morning
-Learned some new medical vernacular as part of the Gateway to Gastonia. The certain medial malady is usually caused by a virus or, sometimes, contaminated food. Less frequently, it can be a sign of another disorder, such as inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome. Yes, we are phonetically talking about “dia-rear-er”
-Q coming off a two week bender of food and drink post Ville to Ville with Easter and Spring Break at the beach. No regrets
-Rebranding strategy starting to gain momentum and show some results. We got two first timers for this year.
-Can you do planks after aggravating the old volleyball wrist injury? Yes. First exercise is the plank
-Q trying to determine if running outside of beer themed races is really good for ones body
-Some dads have to work harder to score baskets than their kids when playing dunk basketball at the beach
-The graduation party slate is looking solid. What is the proper etiquette on bringing growlers to a high school graduation party?
-As far as Body By Natty goes, looking like this requires a high level of dedication and an investment in both food and drink. If you think you have what it takes and want to move forward I will support you 1000 percent
-Great work gents!