Bogey TakeOver at the Blender

Event Date

Jun 15, 2021

5 men went into their #PainCaves to battle some demons.  Bogey sensed weakness, imposed his will, and tookover.  Yes, Bogey is back.  The hardest workout in LKN just got harder.  BOLO for the most squared jawline you've ever seen….then, make it more acute.  Bogey sighting.  Watch out men.  Bogey is back. 


Scrap Thang

4 Corners 

 – Corner 1 20 KB Swings, 20 Squat to Press, 20 Merkins, Jog to next corner

 – Corner 2 15 KB Swings, 15Squat to Press, 15 Merkins, Jog to next corner

 – Corner 3 10 KB Swings, 10 Squat to Press, 10 Merkins, Jog to next Corner


Hells Ascent

 – Partner up with someone with like KB weight

 – P1 Quadraphillia up/down the hill  

 – P2 KB Farmers Carry 

 – Flapjack / Repeato


Bear Crawl with KB 

up and back 


KB Indian Run to Pull-Up Forest

5 Pull-Ups / 5 kneeups


Onto Road – 

P1-Sprint to Fence and Back

P2- 20 KB swings 



Back to Pull-Up Forest

5 Pull-Ups / 5 kneeups


Back to Road 

P1 – Sprint from flag to flag and back

P2-20 derkins 



P1 – Sprint from flag to flag and back 

P2- 30 skull crushers 



Down the Hill 

P1 – Sprint up the hill and back

P2- 20 hand release merkins 



4th Corner 


– Corner 4 — 5 KB Swings, 5 Squat to Press, 5 Merkins


Hand the Keys to Bogey

Sprint the Lot 

10 jump squats 

Sprint back 

10 x squat to press 


Lung walk 

30 second lunge hold each leg 

10 burpees 

Sprint back

10 x squat to press 



1 min plank 


1.  Bogey.  Complete stud.  Watch out Pax.  You have been noticed.  Bogey is back.  And will probably Q soon after nearly man-handling me down ans taking the conch from YHC.  I dared not try and fight back.  The takeover was well worth it.  We are better men bc of Bogey. 

2.  Tommy Boy came back after posting at #ArniesArmy yesterday. #WelcomeBackKotter

Who knew you had an #EvilTwin and ironically were named years ago at the Blender by Bogey.  The #CircleOfLife grabbed you and spun you back to your starting place appropriately.  Aye. 

3.  Greyhound = FNG-1 

Get on the website.  7 kids, so I understand you're busy.  Nice getting to know you better!


4.  The Soul Patched Warrior (aka Springfield) found his rhythm back and has been posting for weeks now regularly.  And apparently is Bogey's personal chauffeur.  I forgot Bogey rarely drives.  A man this bad gets picked up. Apparently Bogey is in a league of his own.  And yes, Bogey is Back!  Blenda! 

I may have embellished the takeover facts a bit.   #Show2Know next time! 

