
Event Date

Jan 14, 2017

Four of this nation’s finest, and the pure unadultered embodiment of Awesome Sauce, made it out to get their collective Bogo-Stetson on. And this is how it went down.

The Thang

With the aid of two twenty pound kettle bells, go to one side of the parking lot.  Make 2 teams of two, designated by their shirt color and hats. There was no opportunity to trade teammates after the teams were formed (the question was raised).

Each team of partners lines up on the edge of the parking lot.  The first partner in the team does a burpee suicide. This is done by running 10 yards, doing a burpee, then running back to the start; then running 20 yards and doing two burpees and running back to the start, and then running 30 yards and doing three burpees then running back to the start.

At the same time, the other partner is doing the exercises prescribed below.  When the partner doing the burpee suicide finishes, the other partner starts their burpee suicide, and the partner who just ran continues the exercise count until the total amount of exercises is reached.

Exercises are as follows:

  • 50 kettlebell raises (each partner did 50 of these, it was a 2 handed front lateral raise)

  • 100 overhead kettle press (more like a skullcrusher)

  • 200 ‘Mericans

  • 300 flutter kicks (only count the right leg)

  • 400 squats



Box Cutter

Reverse Crunches


  • For a guy who mentions going to Shuffletown for breakfast before the workout even starts, Oktoberfest conveniently has forgotten his wallet the last two Saturdays

  • The reverse crunches are an exercise borrowed liberally from spin class this week. Although Pax gayedarr was triggered early on, you could really feel it in the lower abs towards the end, all the way down to ones perineum.

  • Avid reader Pinky noticed that Natty's rather prolific week with the written word.

  • Pax confidence in the Q enhanced with his saying "we don't have to do all 200". If the iPhone says 200, that is what we are doing

  • Perhaps the Riverbend parking lot is not as flat as it looks.

  • Pinky was not afraid to add in an additional burpee or two so his opponent/compadre could catch up. #solidarity

  • Long story short, Oktoberfest is on a last name basis with the Commissioner of the Southeastern Athletic Conference (SEC).  That last name is Bogo-Stetson. And now we know. 

  • All joshing aside, that was one helluva workout men!