Bonds Were Forged at The Foundry !!!

20 (missed one name on recording) Men of F3 came to Partner Up & Smarten Up at The Foundry based at Lake Forest Church in Huntersville.  37 temp and 47% humidity made it strangely comfortable.  Here it is……..

Mosey thru the parking lanes throwing in side straddles, carioka, quadra (feelinya), and regular.  Circle up at top / peak lane of lot for warmup.


SSH x 30 IC, IST x 15 IC, Squat x 15 IC, & combo plank platter of Mericans x 10 IC, stay down, Peter Parkers x 15 IC, stay down, & Mtn Climbers. Recover.

Mosey to end of two lanes with Battle Buddies.

Partner Squash:

Partner A: run all the way to new extended lane of LFC lot (Wow, that's jaunt) at 25% speed, switchback at 50% speed, back at 75%, then own version of sprint 100%

Partner B: Little Baby Crunches (LBCs) – As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) before partner A completes

Flap Jack, then Repeato.

*YHC has such as adrenaline burst at beginning forgot for pax to grab a rock, so quick audible as partner A running to mosey to rock pile & back.

Partner A: Bear Crawl to Sidewalk (about half way to full extended lane) & back.  YHC did not think noise was Mumblechatter, but not understanding directions, so belted out a few non-cool phrases.  Had to STK.  Then later apologized.  "It's like playing cards with my brothers kids……."

Partner B: Curls X 15 single count (SC), Squats x 20 SC, & Low Flutters x 20 SC

Flap Jack, then Repeato.

YHC quick apology for prior fowl language.  Move on & Carry on !

Mosey to pull up bars.


(1) Partner A: 5 Pullups (or Chinups – pax choice)

Partner B: Spot if needed, Flap Jack, then Repeato,

Then Both Partners 5 Burpees OYO.

(2) Repeato with 5 & 5

(3) Repeato, with 8 pullups & 8 Burpees OYO

Mosey away from the bars, YHC yelling as loud as possible cause pax shifting & spreading, 75% speed full extension of lot.  Man, if that does not reach to your interiors and relieve at least some stress, something may be wrong  -HA

Bear Crawl to Sidewalk (~50 yards),then Lunge Walk with Air Press (~50 yards).

Rocks Another Try Segment:

Partner A: Scrappy leading Cadence with Shoulder Press x 15 IC,

Partner B: YHC Diamond Mericians x 15 SC OYO

Flap Jack then Repeato.

Mosey to Rocks back !

MARY: Pass That Buck Yo !

Caboose – memory fail, but thank you

Chestnut – memory fail, but thank you

The Geek – Xs & Os (Ouch – jerk) – YHC literally could not do it with any balance – Ha

Vinegar Bend – Low Flutter x 30 IC (Ouch )

Fescue – The W x 20 IC

YHC – Rosalita x 20 IC

Little Baby Crunch x 25 IC

Time-DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

1- Thanks to Qbert for allowing me to Q The Foundry !  I love this AO even with the transfer of assets of the Triangle, Ninja Warrior Monkey bars to Arnies Army.  They be fine there with Auto.

2- Standard Ruck Qd by Qbert down the greenway with Lego, Poptart, Don Ho & YHC.  Rucking is so great for upper body strength and abs, lower body outside & inside legs & hips, and seems like overall balance forces your body to adjust to any changes of weighted plates, bricks, or other.  Quarter Ruck VI per Pierogi PB (just caught today) April 20, Friday night launch at 10pm.  Did not read further yet due to flashbacks and impending fear possibilities.  Go Ruck Custom Heavy on May 18 with Two Buck Chuck and Ramrod Q.  YHC has limited knowledge on some aspects of rucking so see the Ruck Veterans for assistance.

3 – This concludes The Week of Mayhem including Qs at The Sword, The Vern (verified it counted with direction & control of timing & COT, even though Workout In a Box (WIB) style), The Mighty Oak, Fission 131 Main, and back to LFC for The Foundry.  Just really wanted to see how much & how quickly I could adjust to the exhaustion, fatigue, this time – lack of sleep, and try to bring an intense & thorough Beatdown with adding a post-MOak run with Egyptian & Standard Ruck today.  Brutal Test in my eyes.  Lack of sleep could have played big part, but no Excuses.  This week grabbed my attention & locked it in.  Best, thorough Beatdown thinking Quickly was Fission not a surprise as home base, close relations with pax that day, was able to control by tempo the best this week there, and minimal hesitation and next circuit section to head toward.  Awesome Experience !

In another one of my groups, we had a great ice-breaker for entering a new meeting (in this case new AO for beatdown), if you are an FNG or newer and you don't know anybody or unsure of nicknames pax you met one-time, walk up to 3 people you do not know or remember, introduce yourself, and reach out to fist pump as we do.  Then you automatically know at least 3 names for the day !  Easy Peasy !  Earlier in life, this recommendation gave me back some confidence and actual practice how to introduce, look someone, in eye, and smile with greeting.

That Is All !  Carry On F3 Studs !

Mayhem (in the AM) with planned FS Saturday FoSho.