Boobies, Success, Failure, Pigeon, Wall

The weather forecast called for warmth, or so everyone thought. Many first words revolved around how cold it was. That's what one day of 80 degree will get you…spring fever is in the air and ain't nobody got time for anything under 60. From that moment YHC made it his mission to turn up the temp, because I care about your warmth and comfort (not really).

As more PAX funneled in, my planned burpee-less workout immediately changed to include at least some burpees when Outlaw showed. Camelback showed up right on time at 0530 and 30 seconds. Let's start warmarama! During warmarama, Roadie showed up right on time at 0532. During warmarama, Honeysuckle showed up right on time at 0534. This what I get for preblasting that the workout will generally start sometime on Friday morning.


Usual suspects… SSH (many of them, but still only a quarter of what Soprano would do), carrot pullers, billy bobs, windmills. Don't forget the pledge before doing the Thang (thanks Outlaw).

The Thang

Mosey to the rock pile. While rocks were being selected, Goodlife complimented my arm size. I noticed that Goodlife was also looking shredded, so I returned the compliment with an admiration of his boobies. It was a sincere compliment…he is looking shredded particularly in the pectoral region, so I hope Goodlife knows I was saying "boobies" in a good way. In my world, boobies are good. Anyway, there was much follow on conversation about boobies amongst the PAX.

Here's the part that Cherry Bomb was scared about, which is why he didn't post:

  • On your six, 90 seconds AMRAP press with the rock; immediately flip over for merkins 12X in cadence
  • On your feet, 90 seconds AMRAP shoulder press with the rock; immediately into CDD 12X in cadence
  • 90 seconds explosive Bonnie Blairs (jumping lunge); immediately into squat with the rock 12X in cadence

In this case, you SUCCEED if you FAIL. We're trying to get to failure here. Merkins, CDDs, and squats become a bit harder after you've exhausted those muscles with AMRAP, amirite?

Repeato but with 60 seconds AMRAP

Mosey to the big wall for a brief mobility moment. Everybody's favorite, of course, pigeon. Jazz Hands made sure to make all of us feel like we were Billy Crystal sitting across from Meg Ryan at a roadside diner.

  • People's chair on the wall with air presses and seal claps.
  • 12X in cadence praying mantis
  • Now the fun part… 7X wall walks. Start on your belly with feet at the wall and walk up the wall in "ball to the wall" position. Walk back down. That's one rep.

Repeato above except throw in some Morroccan night clubs during people's chair on our already dead shoulders. And bring it down to 3X wall walks.

Mosey to launch for a date with Mary (not JB's wife). High plank walk the planks, 20X WW2s, and 12X in cadence pretzel crunch each side.

Lookie that, it's 0614. Just enough time for 10X of the ole Outlaw Favorite.

Recover, Recover


  • I'm very grateful for each of you 14 men who posted with me today. Great 1st and 2nd F throughout.
  • Crocs and Jazzy were the mumble chatter winners today.
  • You all completely OWNED Friday morning. Great job and great way to start the weekend.

