As billed, it was a burpee free workout. Many in the Pax are getting ready for the BRR and took advantage of the pick your own standard 2, 2.5 or 4 miles.  We finally had an optimal morning temperature with low humidity.

Here is how it all went down….

31 hard chargers were intrigued with Boomerang and Ladders. The Pax has been so focused on the BRR. YHC felt it would be great to give our neglected arms a workout and a smoke fest incurred.

Mosey to the track for a lap from parking lot around the baseball field back for Warm-o-Rama (quick lap)

  • Regular

  • High Knees

  • Butt kickers

  • Karaoke


  • 20 IC x Side Straddle Hop

  • 15 IC x Windmill –Slow “Abe Vigoda” More Stretching

  • 15 IC x Imperial Storm Trooper

  • 15 IC x Toy Solider “Kim Jong Un style”

  • 15 IC x Cotton Pickers

  • 10 IC x ‘Mericans

The Thang:

Boomerang (all single count):

At the baseball field, the Pax was instructed to the run “The Boomerang”, it is much like the Horseshoe.  Run from foul pole around home plate to other foul pole.  You start at the bottom of one side and run to the other. You perform an exercise then run back. Then you perform 2 exercises and run back. Then 3, then 4, and then 5. After the 5th lap you reverse ladder back down (drop exercise 1, then 2, then 3, etc.)

Partner-up with someone with similar speed and strength, RUN from Foul pole to Foul pole. Push yourself!!! – We want speed!!!


  • 1 10 x 'Mericans

  • 2 10 x Prisoner Squats (elbows behind head)

  • 3 10 x Carolina Dry Docks CDD

  • 4 10 x Jump Lunges each leg

  • 5 10 x Mountain Climbers

  • Decrease by one exercise

Hot Lap around bases

'Mericans ladder IC single count alternate counting (Total 100 per person) “Oswald Special -Metro”

  • 1:1, 2:2, > 10> 1:1

Mosey to Rock pile

Rock Ladder

  • 15 x Curls

  • 15 x Overhead presses

  • 15 x Chest Press (on back)

  • 15 x Skull crushers (on back)

  • Repeato 10, then 5 repetitions

Mosey to Mary – Indian Run


  • 20 IC x Low Flutters

  • 20 IC x W

  • 20 IC x Rosalita

  • Superman/Banana


  • GiveToGive Campaign – F3 Gear Store

  • F3 Speed for Need: Run For Your Life – Novant Health 15K/5K – October 1st

  • F3 Runs the Basin – Relay Races are all the rage! – November 3rd


  • YHC was humbled today. He had great plans for an upper body workout. Indeed it was a smoke fest. All was good until the ‘Merican ladder. Got to 10 reps slowly and needed to modify on the way down 5,3,2,1.

  • Soprano, the Geek, Moses, and Beetlejuice handled the Boomerang.

  • The hairband music was blaring all morning. Jazzhands asked if I really listen to that “stuff”. Yes, the playlist is a Magnus staple.

  • Outlaw came to ensure it was burpee free workout, which was true. When at the rock pile, I noticed he was having his own karaoke session belting out “Jump” and “No more tears”. He needs to go on tour!

  • Landline thank you for the opportunity to lead these fine men!