34 Posted to The General on Friday, no FNGs

Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory


  • 50 SSH (channeling Travolta)
  • 25 IST, CP, TS + 10 Merkins IC

Mosey to the baseball field 

The Thang is the Boomerang

  1. Start at right field foul pole with exercise 1, run to home plate, then to left field foul pole
  2. Add 2nd exercise
  3. Run back to right field pole via home plate, add exercise, repeat up to 5
    1. 5 Burpees (anything more is BS, total = 25)
    2. 25 Merkins OYO
    3. 25 Mountain Climbers OYO
    4. 30ish Squats OYO
    5. 30ish LBC’s IC
  4. Once pax hits 5, drop one exercise after each run, ending with the 5th exercise.

Mosey to the rock pile for some Rocktoberfest

  • 21 IC – Full Curls, Shoulder Presses, Skull Crushers
  • Repeato


  • LBC x25IC, Low Flutter x25IC, J-Lo x25IC,
  • 15 Shoulder Touch Merkins IC brought to you by Snake Eyes.


  • Great turnout for the General.  Thanks Birkdale CC brothers for your support today and everyday.  Thank you to Geek for your leadership and the chance to lead at The General.
  • The fragrance of Oldspice was in the air while the pax was moseying to the baseball field.  It's not clear who was sporting that scent, but some of the pax were really impressed.  There was no rutting behavior observed or at least reported.
  • Rocktoberfest turned into Oyster-roast-the-Q-fest – Oyster's mumble chatter was constant in YHC's left ear during the cadence count.  It's not clear what he was saying, but it was an honor.
  • Thanks, Oyster, for taking us out in prayer.

The General was a great start to a weekend I'll never forget.  This weekend, YHC, Magnus, and Crabcake were at the Community in Christ Lutheran (Cornelius) men's retreat at Blowing Rock Conference Center.  We talked about how Jesus picked 12 ordinary men as disciples to follow him.  He developed them into leaders who could continue His work.  Jesus has faith in us to follow him and be like him.