Boot Camp on Fire/ Not Running

Event Date

Aug 21, 2019

10 Showed up for a muggy Navy Style Boot Camp (No Running)



15 Sprinklers IC

20 Monkey Humpers IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the Courtyard

Circle up for Sixty Second Arm Circles-

  • plank position right arm to your side 10 arm circles IC 
  • 10 Merkins OYO
  • plank position left arm to your side 10 arm circles IC
  • 10 LBC 
  • plank position right arm to the sky 10 arm circles IC
  • 10 Merkins IC
  • plank position left arm to the sky 10 arm circles IC

Teddy Roosevelt's 26th President 2 lunges each leg 6 squats to the end of the walk way

Wall of Fire –

  • wall sits while each PAX takes turn for 10 Merkins
  • wall sits while each PAX takes turns for 10 LBC
  • wall sits while each PAX takes turns for 10 Burpees

Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire- Circle up

  • plank while 2 PAX at a time do 10 Merkins and go around the circle until complete
  • plank while 2 PAX at a time do 10 LBC and go around the circle until complete
  • plank while 2 PAX at a time do 10 Burpeed and go around the circle until complete

Mosey to the pull up bar

Pull up Pole of Fire

  • hold squat position until 2 PAX at a time do 10 Pull ups until everyone has a chance
  • hold squat position until 2 PAX at a time do 10 knee raises until everyone has a chance
  • hold squat position until 2 PAX at a time do 10 Chin Ups until everyone has a chance

Mosey to the launch pad


2010 Rosalita Whips IC

20 Fire Hydrants each leg IC 

20 Jane Fonda's each leg IC 


Proverbs 6:27-28

Can a man scoop a flame into his lap
    and not have his clothes catch on fire?
28 Can he walk on hot coals
    and not blister his feet?


        You can't play with fire and not get burned. That is like playing with sin or just dabbling with it. You will get burned. 


 Plenty of time for Mumble chatter with all the time doing wall sits and planks

There was a lot of complaining this morning, but aparantly you are not allowed to complain if you are the Q

Spork would have rather been running.

Sonar felt special when he thought he was the only one that got a text

We should all go and spend some time at Burn, because Rebounds form at all the exercises were spot on. Great to have him back out after his vacation.

Mulligan was helpful for the Q to make sure that YHC new that we had 45 minutes left for the workout we don't need to do it all at once. Also kinda hinted that he would rather be running.

YHC was very excited to see the large group when I showed up this morning. I did reach out to most of the PAX last night to give them a nudge. Some maybe didn't need it, but it really is alway much funner with more PAX. We missed the ones that couldn't make it for one reason or another. 

Breakfast on Friday morning at 7:45 for some 2nd F time if you can make it before work

Twinkles VQ will be next Friday for School Bellz. Long over due. He has been killing it. 

SVU and Brokeback Broga tomorrow morning. Just do something to push you out of bed. 

Thank you guys for letting me lead and always making me better
