Both Hands on Your Phone When at Night Ranger

FNG-1 = Liberty (who told me his nickname was Freedom at first)

YHC grabbed this Q off of Toby b/c he was triple booked at first with NR, Samson and Cauldron in a row.  Well…  turns out he couldn’t Q any due to work but also due to QvQs and convergences it woulda been all jumbled up anyway.

YHC arrived early to leave my big, long, thick, black… rope on the top deck – ready for the pax to handle later.  Then YHC went down and did some stretching for 15 mins.

Pax rolled in and in the end we had 13 and here’s what happened:

VERY short warm-o-rama with only Long Snappers and Windmills.  Then we’re off runnin’! 

Just down the nearby street/hill to the little playground where we’d do sets of pull-ups, squats, calf raises and repeatoes.

Cross the street to grab some big rocks.  THREE sets of curls (the Colt 45), followed by skull crushers (also 3 sets) then Bent Over Rows (The BRO, The Manzier). Then for good measure and wife pleasing – one more set of curls.

Rocks back where ya got ’em.  Then we’re gonna mosey up the hill.  When you get precisely 0.172 miles ahead of the 6, turn around and go back for them.  Run on ahead, then repeato.  Keep going back for the 6 til we’re all back to the top of the hill and the base of the deck (that sucked!).

Mosey up the deck (or the stairs without shame – ok with some shame).

Up top the pax would gather ’round the big, long, thick, black…  rope for MWAR (Mary With A Rope).

Call it in time to get a taco order in before cold beverages at Main St Tav. 

The evening Moleskine:

Probably had a dozen at Breweteria, including Amen and Ping who dropped in after work/dinner/wutevs.

During name-o-rama, we enjoyed a video recording of all the pax, the sunset, YHC’s FJ with the sunset backdrop and Yogi literally punching YHC’s phone out of my hand with his fist bump.  Who fist bumps the phone hand???  Yogi does.  Great video though – YHC now has video evidence of Samson puking during COT (The Estate or Fallout or Ludicrous not sure) and Samson’s dad (Yogi) punching my phone out of my hand.  Can’t wait to meet the rest of the fam.

Burning Bush gets BB cred despite showing up 8 mins late, running in all directions except the direction we went and not finding us until end of MWAR.  But he ran and was there for COT.

Fun AO and a perfect evening.
