Bottom, Middle, Top – Whistleblower

23 Pax that included one FNG – Wes  and Jock, and Pretty In Pink and Boo Boo.

Extra credit goes to Ruckers / Standard – Lear, Comet, Cupcake, Finger Licking Good, Deepend, Manhands, Doolittle and Chief.

The Thang:

Here is a vage recolection of what happened….

As the parking lot filled we ended up with 23 of the Mooresville Pax in attendence. First exercise was The Merking X 10 in cadence. 

We started to mosey but did a u-turn for a moment of silence around the flag for our fallen brother – Dipstick – from the Grand Strand group, fallen heros and other prayer requests. 

Mosey to hill behind ball field – Merkins X 10

Quadrofilia up hill

Mosey to middle field – IST X 10

Mosey through woods – plank till pax arrives.

Welcome and disclaimer – Explination of the whistle

More merkins X 10

Mosey to bottom – more rules to follow. 5 man-maker-merkins at bottom 

Mosey to Pull up Bars – Plank and wait for entire pax to arrive

5 Pull ups each.

Mosey to bottom of hill at ball field – Plank and wait – This is now the MIDDLE

Whistle – 10 – merkins

10 – squats – bear crawl up hill

Inside the dougout the PAX found some sandbags, buckets of bricks and 5-gallon water containers

Carry all across field to bottom of hill where we started – plank and wait

Whistle = Merkins

LBC X 10 bottom of hill 

Quadrofilia to top – SSH X 10

All pax on there own back down to the bottom, each pax has to complete the same exercises on the way down as on the way up. 

Repeto Round 2 and 3 – but changing the exercises along the way – Burpee's, Jump Squats, 8-count body builders etc. 

Mary – and lots of whistle's

The Moleskin:

The Q knew the top to the bottom was a long way and VERY uphill all the way to the top. Good BRR training and it keep the heart rate up the entire time.

Several pax were called out for either cheating or just not listening. 

The first two were Rent-A-Cop and Loveshack as they were to busy talking to listen to the Q

So the PAX circled around them to watch as they did partner squats.Manhands was the next to be called out as he was unaware the Q was watching him as he closed the gate door behind him as a distraction and only did 4 of the required merkins in the doughout, he was called out at the bottom and the pax circled around him as he completed his 10 reps..blushing I realized that it was not a punishment for other guys to watch him preform. The next one to be called out was Santiago as he was doing a bicycle type low flutter on top of the hill, agian the pax gathered around to watch him preform or attempt straight leg low flutters..

The whistle was an added bonus as each time it was blown the pax was required to do 10 merkins, I lost count of how many whistles were blown but I think we did reach the 100 merkin mark. 

Was hoping for a beating and I still feel it. 

Aye! Chief