boulder shoulders

Event Date

Oct 15, 2018

easy mosey around approximately half the parking lot, thats about as much running as a typical "atlas" workout ever has

disclaimer- we might do some dumb shit, dont get hurt…..

warm up: SSH, SLOW wind mill, CP, down dog, plank left side plank, right side plank, pigeon, plank, and more plank, plank with rear leg raises, inchworm-merkins (but not many cause they sucked), single leg balance drill – stand on one foot for 20 sec, then do 5 single leg toe touches (2 rounds)

heard a rumor there were blocks at Vanquisher, and also that the Q hates running….. so everyone grabbed 2 blocks!!

drop a block off and head to the wall for some OVERHEAD block wall sits.  these really were miserable, so we dropped the block to the lap and after a while decided to be more miserable by doing curls and presses with the blocks while still in the wall sit.  with the variations going on I dont think anyone realized we spent over 4 minutes on these wall sits.  

place the block close to the wall and plank on the block-30 sec, then ensued the plank crawl  ladder where we went from block to concrete 10 ten times leading with each hand. stay in plank. start at the concrete and go concrete-block-wall 5 times with rotating leading hand. Then get INVERTED.  This was an adventerous group and almost everyone tried the true handstand approach 5 rounds (15 second holds, 10 sec rest) – scalable options are balls to wall or plank

go pick up your 2nd block and take a walk- drop the first block at the 1st bball hoop, drop the second block at the 2nd hoop, walk to third hoop for starting point.  "on the evens" Ladder workout station 1 Blast off Burpees, station 2 ground to overhead block lift, station 3, block deadlift. example of rep scheme: station 1-1, station 2-10, station 3-10, then 2/8/8,4/6/6, 6/4/4,8/2/2, finish with 10 Blast off Burpees. 

SINGLE arm zamporini to put blocks back – slow mosey to Mary.  Quick burst of 30 LBC, 20 Low Flutter, and 25, High Flutter.

Recover Recover

We humbly kneeled before our God for a prayer and a group fist bump


Thanks for the opportunity to supprt you in this mornings workout!