Bowel Movement or Workout??

It was a nice brisk morning as a fine group of men joined up in the village of Birkdale.  THis was only the fourth time YHC has posted since the BRR.  5:30 hit and we moseyd down around the first island section and over to the parking lot next to  the theatre.  Circle up.


Warmarama consisted of SSH, IST, CP, HB

Partner up for some DORA

one partner runs aroung firt set of islands from front to back of building while other works on reps

100 jump squats, 200 merkins, 300 front lunges

Next was trace the lines. Two groups, one on each side of parking spaces.  Run up, side shuffle, run backward tracing the parking space, then at each point do a burpee.  12 spaces in all

Over to wall for peoplse chair and some air presses

Bear crawl up toward road.

Dips, declined merkins, and rocky balboa's on the curb

It was so goo the first time, let's trace those lines again

Mosey to fountain for mary

WWII situps, LBC's, pretzel crunch, low flutters

Plank position and do some stretching.  At this point Jersey Boy made a great comment on how at our age sounds made during a workout are the same we make douring a bowel movement.  This would be a great game.  Play a sound snipet and have to guess if it is a workout or a bowel movement

Snake Eyes was in attendance so we had to finish with those dang shoulder touch merkins.

It was a great day.  Thank you all who made it out, and thank you Deep Dish for getting me to commit to Q.  Hope to see you all out there again soon!
