Box of Chocolates

Event Date

Apr 06, 2022

Ludicrous Speed is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you're gonna get.  The main idea is speed work, with a little strength thrown in.  Today we had just about equal parts of both.  You also never know WHO you're gonna get.  We had well-intended regulars as well as lost pax today.  Here's what went down…

YHC gathered (most of) the pax and had everyone grab a cinder block.  That's right, A CINDER BLOCK at a running workout (box o chocolate things).  There was a moment to consider whether anyone was going to throw the "let's just go get coffee" card, but to no avail.  Apparently, this is a card that can only be thrown once a year, and has been used in 2022, in the first month.  I was told by TBone this morning that the rule was changed to once per year per pax, so expect more 2ndF to replace 1stF in the near future.  I'm pretty sure TBone has already used his card and influenced others to use theirs as well.

In any case, we started our warm-up half mile, but found Snake Eyes running the opposite way to catch us 2/3 through our first lap.  It was mentioned that we usually meet up with Snake Eyes at this very spot a couple minutes into the workout…time for a new alarm clock?  At least he never misses out on the Ludicrous part of running.  He is a regular.

Once we finished the warm-up YHC circled the pax up for some limbering (SSH, Long Snapper, Windmill, Arm Circles), and explained the first Ludicrous idea:

Run 350 meters at 75-80%, then cool down back to the cinder blocks. Curls x10, Skull Crushers x10, Chest Press w/Flutter x20ic

REPEATO for a total of 4 times.  There were many races, most of which were won by Sac (he's fast for getting lost all the time…maybe there's something to that…ahem, Turnpike, ahem).  The Force actually won the first round because Sac didn't know where to stop, so The Force passed him and then told him where.

Next Ludicrous idea:

Run up the parking lot hill at 75-80%, then slow mosey back down the parking lot hill. Lawn Mower x10 each arm, Shoulder Press x10, Little Block Crunches x10.

REPEATO for a total of 3 times.  More races, as we are men.  Again Sac was out front for most, but Snake Eyes was able to pull off at least one W.

Cool down for 2 laps. Some pax didn't know what I meant by cool down pace, so I let them stop at the first lap before passing them and telling them it was another lap.

It was fun, it was difficult, all are better?

TBone, Stray, Hasselhoff, Snake Eyes were all seen at Starbucks after (even a Crocs sighting).