Brave Sir Soprano Ran Away

16 Men showed to find out what Soprano warned them to stay away from, including FNG Time Check, and Gatsby who is not registered on the website!  This is what happened…



  • mosey around the island by the movie theater while we wait for 2 late Pax
  • mosey around the theater to the parking lot
  • SSH x15 IC
  • Windmill x15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x20 IC
  • Toy Soldier x10 IC
  • Mosey to the rock pile behind the tennis courts


The Thang:

  • Pick a rock, and mosey to the parking area
  • Curls x15 IC
  • Shoulder Press x15 IC
  • Skull Crusher x15 IC
  • Bent Over Row x15 IC
  • Move to the grass for Rock Webbs 1-4, 2-8…5-20…1-4
  • Return your rocks and mosey to the parking deck ramp
  • Crab Walk feet first up the ramp (this is what Soprano was so afraid of!!!)
  • Crawl Bear up the ramp
  • Dragon Crawl up the ramp
  • Bunny Hop up the ramp
  • Balls to the Wall 1 min
  • Peoples Chair 1 min w/Air Presses x15 IC
  • Balls to the Wall 1 min
  • Peoples Chair 1 min w/Air Presses x15 IC
  • mosey to the movie theater



  • Dot the "i" x15 IC
  • American Hammer x15 IC
  • Low Dolly x15 IC (Cousin Eddie)
  • LBC x10 IC (Storm Chaser)



  • Props to Storm Chaser.  On the ride over, he was telling me how he had torn his labrum and was dealing with a bum shoulder.  I took it easy on the shoulders just for you!!!
  • I think Cousin Eddie is a gluton for punishment.  I don't think he has missed 1 of my last 5 Qs!!!  Thanks bro!
  • Welcome Time Check (Juan Pablo).  He was so late for his first post, that he only made it for COT (the Pax agreed to count that for his naming).  For today's beatdown, he arrived about 8 minutes late…thus "Time Check".
  • I'm not sure when Ninja Turtle arrived!?  I first noticed him when we were getting our rocks.
  • Waffle House crushed it on the parking deck.  I thought i was doing good on the Crab Walks, until he came flying past me!  He was in Beast Mode for The Beast!!!
  • Tupak was also crushed the parking deck.  He seemed happy through the whole workout!
  • A couple of guys were pretty ambitious with their rock selection (i'm looking at you 98 Degrees, Tuffy, and Omega!)
  • Thanks to all of the Pax for showing up today, despite Soprano's warning!
  • Prayers for Snake Eyes' mother, and Omega's mother.
  • Thanks Deep Dish for signing me up to Q without comfirming with me first!  It was good to be back at Hollywood after a long hiatus at Stretch.  I'll definitely have to work this AO in more often!