Braveheart’s 21st Celebration

As you know, it's the 21st birthday of the release of Braveheart at the Sundance Film Festival, or something like that.  As such 17 men gathered at the Brickyard to see how the Scott's would commemorate the turning of age of their national movie anthem.  To start the show off right, five (5) brave PAX pregamed with a trot of 4.5 miles (Honeymoon, Loveshack, Manhands, Nymph, Chief).  Nymph took off after the run to cut up some folks….kinda gory.

Warm Ups-mozy, R/L karaoke, high knees, butt kickers, circle up:

COP (IC)- SSH 20, IST 15, WM'S 10, 'Mericans 5 wide, 5 diamond, 5 normal, Little Man in the Woods 10, mozy to wall

Peter Parkers 10 IC, iron chair, add in 20 air presses IC, 5 wall push-ups, 10 Peter Parkers IC, preacher's chair, add in 15 heel slaps IC. Walk to flag, circle up!

2nd COP (IC)- 1/4 turn jump squats, 5 right, 5 left. CDD's 15, sit-outs 10, Crab Style foot slappers 15.  THEN….Lear led us in a stirring salute to our Flag, we pledged and pledged BIG (the Allegiance).

Mozy to small, but long, hill, 5 and 1's.  Bear crawl to top, 5 burpees, crab back down, 1 decline Merkin.  Ratchet burpees down by one, declines up by one, and a sh$#-ton of crawling and crabbing in between. Plank to wait, various and sundry plank stances to pass the time…..

Mozy to hill at Trakscan.  Sets.  10 squats at top, run down hill, 10 LBC's. Quadraphilia up, 15 squats, run down 15 LBC's, Quad up, 20 squats, run down, 20 LBC's, Quad up, plank to wait. Mozy to Trakscan parking lot, pick a spot on the wall.  Dips IC 10, Inclines 10.

Mary (IC)- Box Cutters 15, Cutter Boxes 15, Low Flutter 15 (holding legs up in b/t). Recover, recover.


-Thanks Lear, for leading an excellent Pledge of Allegiance as requested at a minute's notice.  Great job!

-OK, the bear crawl/crab walk thingy was awful, but think of what the Scottish had to endure under that tyrannical rule of Mother England!  What say you, Doolittle??

-The SETS were audibled, it's true, but the amount of squats and LBC's were not commissurate with the amount of pain y'all have become accustomed to during a normal Wed. morning beatdown.

-Manhands, Honeymoon, Chief, Loveshack and Nymph all clipped off an easy 3.6 miles during #thestandard, and they are better men because of it.  By the way, Manhands hates running:-0

-London, Chief, Lear, and Fiddler all post Post coffeeteria'd, and were able to help out a young lady in distress (with I believe a jump start to her car).  Good on ya!!

-The PAX is swelling with regulars, and I like it.  This group of 17 all show a LOT, great to see!!  A HUGE tribute to Chief, Crack and Big Mean for their efforts in bringing F3 up our way, well done!

-Cupcake texted me at 4:55 AM to ask if I had the Q:-/  I replied in the affirmative, then told him that such information was available on emial, Slack and Twitter.  In wonder, I asked if there was a fourth (4th) media that Cupcake would prefer to hear such news.  He, without delay, responded that MOST of his 'news' from the Muirfield Holler, his monthly HOA letter……go figure.  As Comz Q, I'll begin hitting all HOA newsletters with F3 pre and back blasts, CSAUP announcements, and, of course, tie that all into Twitter, seemlessly.

-Gents, you are Freed to Lead.  Hope on the website, hit Calendar, then simply find the workout you would like to Q, and put your name in instead of the Master Q!  It's that simple.  Today I Q'd without a thing planned or written down, simply did what I felt we should do next.  Written down or pre-planed Q's are nice as well, but it's fun and you get to go and YOUR pace, which is nice.  Please try it!!