Braving the dangers of Torrance Chapel to take on El Toro

Event Date

Apr 17, 2018

After the intrepid explorers took on Torrance Chapel and its sundry of issues – including hidden drives, hairpin turns and a driveway that is best described as the love child of an incompetent engineer and a meth head, the PAX gathered at a table for 10 and chowed down.

YHC had 3 soft tacos – 2 chicken and 1 steak.   Both with cheese and lettuce.   They were good.  There was nothing outstanding about them.   I really don't like it when a restaurant can't make a taco with only one shell.   The double shell is a sign of weakness – like Mr Burn's hair follicles. Mr Burns is specifically called out here because he is a legend of his own taco eating capabilities but we saw video of lunch and watching him fold like a cheap suit in a pizza eating 'contest' against Jolly Roger. 

I did absolutely kill my second taco with hot sauce.   Like way too much hot sauce.  The hot sauce was spicy with good depth and a nice taste with a lingering heat.   

All in all- I give the tacos a 6.5. They are like the NC State of tacos.   Good enough to be over 500 but never winning anything of significance unless all of the other major sports entities need to vacate their wins. (oh hai Blackbear and Donho)

There are two fundamental issues with El Toro:

  1. Its up Torrance Chapel.   FYI, Torrance Chapel sucks worse than any F3 Workout that has a name. It took YHC 9 minutes to traverse the .4 of a mile from the parking lot to the light to take a right on Jetton. They may as well rename that road mini-77. 
  2. To borrow the words of Dr Seuss's Grinch 'The Noise, the Noise, the Noise'.  That place could not have had more than 30 people at it.   We represented 20% of the crowd IMO.  And due to the hard floors, it sounded like a dull roar in the back ground at all times. 

The Nekked Man Moleskin

It was a lively crowd and we had particans from the other side of the lake so you knew the talk would be mroe spicy than the tacos. 

Business topics first:

1. We have a new Foundry/DragonSlayer master Q.   Bam-bam transferred title of one of them to Gypsy like it was a hot tamale. (BTW, does anyone know if Mexican's actually say hot tamale or do they say hot potato?  Or do they reference another more obscure culture like a hot Pierogi?  Do the millenials even say that or do they say its a 'hot pocket?'  So many questions.  I fear the google hole that this will drag me into if I even think about researching)

Topics included:

  1. Clark getting out of the office and across the lake to pick up stuff at Ace Hardware. Clark has also gone Paleo – and frankly – he looks great doing it.   Keep up the good work
  2. Bam-bam dropped in hot and late.   It was good to see the big fella join.   He gets the honor of traveling to Fayetville, NC next week and regrets missing #TacoTuesday next week but he seems more than a little releived to pass on MQ duties to Gypsy.  He even sealed the deal with witnesses and buying Gypsies lunch. If its in a backblast, it has to be true. 
  3. Primo, as always, used his mist powers to appear at the lunch table without anyone seeing him walk.  The dude is mystical in his ability to appear anywhere. He's also enjoying his 'new role' selling training outside of K-12.  Its great to hear people happy in their new role. 
  4. Freepass has become the master of the 2nd F event.   He shows early, orders early, has incrimiating video/story/text of other Pax, shares some great stories and leaves in a timely manner. Look out whoever the #2ndF Q is.   Freepass is openly auditioning for your role. 
  5. Gypsy got a free lunch out of today.  He also now has MQ duties.  I am not sure if he won that battle.  Help out the new MQ and volunteer for the Foundry.   I'll be there with my brand of KettleBells in a few weeks.  
  6. Donho was strong on the tacos and the fulcrum of many conversations.   Donho played a big role in lunch last week by pocking La Unica and describing the Marriott Rensaiissance Aruba to all.  So this week he went from pure scorer to distributor.  Of course, when you traverse 47 miles of running on a light gaga day, how can life be bad?
  7. YHC tried to keep up with everyone.  I ended the meal with a light and entertaining story of the indiscretions of my youth. 

Thanks everyone for your participation.  I am in Raleigh next week and Gypsy has the q.