Break Like the Wind

It was a cold morning, with wind that cut through to the bone.  This did not deter 9 men from getting out and breaking a sweat.  4  met for the standard (9 Lives, Lawn Dart, The Force, and YHC).  During the standard we talked about the Supermoon tomorrow night.  For The Force here is the actual definition of the Supermoon:

"A supermoon is a full moon or a new moon that approximately coincides with the closest distance that the Moon reaches to Earth in its elliptic orbit, resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth"


We began with a mosey around the parking lot adding in some high knees, butt kickers, and some carioca.

As we were ending the mosey Outsource came rolling in to join our circle

20 IC – SSH

15 IC – IST

10 IC – Cotton Picker

Due to The Force joining us YHC decided to assist in reaching his 50 burpees a day quota, which at this point we did 10 OYO


The Thang

Everyone grab a block

Walk Lunge with a twist up the sidewalk to the track

10 Burpees OYO

10 IC – Low Curl

10 IC – High Curl

10 IC – Full Curl

10 IC – Skull Crusher

Run to top curve of track, bear crawl the curve, run back to blocks

10 Burpees OYO

10 IC – Lawn Mower per arm

10 IC – Block Merkins per left/right hand on block

10 IC – Shoulder Press

Run track to top curve, crab walk the curve, run back to blocks

10 Burpees OYO

10 IC – Low Curl

10 IC – High Curl (unfortuantely The Force did not hear this and did full curls, which he realized as we went into-

10 IC – Full Curls

Zapparini to put blocks back

Grab a bench and hit 20 IC – Dips

Peopl's Chair with 25 IC Air Press

Circle up for MARY

I think at this point we did the last 10 burpees (and forgot or need to work on my math skills) because towards the end of MARY I said 10 more to finish up the 50.  That was met with many stating we did all of them, and since The Force said we did I believed it was done

20 IC – Low Flutter

20 – WWII Sit Up

15 IC – Box Cutter

20 IC – Russian Twists

15 IC – LBC

Recover, recover

Although the cold wind sucked we had a great turnout and became stronger from it.  Great work today by all.  Thank you Lawn Dart for having me Q.  I appreciate all who came out for the beatdown.

  • Polar Bear this Saturday
  • Only limited time left to get your Polar Bear 2018 shirt ordered
  • Operation Swet Tooth 8K

"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind." – Bruce Lee