Break Out at Hollywood

Not listed – Co-ed

The only thing between me and Spring Break was this workout.  This is how the PAX sent me off…

!9 Men resisted the fartsack and made it out to Hollywood – a good mix of Hollywood regulars mixed with a few guest stars.  3 Respects with Stromboli playing the role of war-daddy and Bricktop as war-baby.

YHC put out a late pre-blast encouraging proper spring break attire (speedos and tank-tops).  Alas, only 9 or 10 PAX had on the proper gear.  In the spirit of a Pirate – Blackbeard had an eye-patch on, which upon closer inspection was his speedo.  Points for creativity. 

Gather at the fountain – small chit-chat, and we were off.


Mosey to the side parking lot with some karaoke along the way.  Once there – circle up and receive the disclaimer.

The warm-up included all your favorite regulars – SSH, IST, Windmills, Mericans, Cotton Pickers

Once sufficiently warm – mosey to the base of the parking deck.


Round 1

Lunge Walk to the half-way point of the ramp – mosey to the top – perform 20 Carolina Drydocks – run the parking lot to the stairs and gather at the bottom of the ramp.

Repeato with Broad Jumps instead of Lunge Walk

Repeato with alternating jumps landing on alternating feet – an observation was made that this felt like “long-running”  OK – so it’s long running.

SSH x 20 IC – amazing what mumblechatter comes out when you do SSH’s after the warm-up.  Open up your mind people.

People’s Chair with air-presses x 20IC

Round 2

Lunge Walk – 25 LBC’s – parking lot, stairs

Repeato with Broad Jumps

Repeato with “Long-Running”

Assorted planking stuff

Mosey to the parking lot across from Dick’s

Partner up – with one fast PAX and one even faster PAX

Round 1

Partners run opposite directions around the parking lot (one clockwise, one counter-clockwise)

When you meet up with your partner the first time – 20 Dry Docks – continue running the way you came

Second time you meet up – 15 WW II sit-ups

Continue circling the parking lot alternating exercises until your done 3 of each type

 Round 2

Same plan – partners run the opposite wat from Round 1

Exercises for Round 2 are 10 Mericans and 15 Jump Squats

Run until you’ve done each exercise twice

Gather the PAX and find some curb for some dips

Because other businesses need the love that Victoria’s Secret usually gets – we did Monkey Humpers facing the nail salon.

Mosey Home


W’s, Pretzel Crunch Left, Pretzel Crunch Right, Low Flutters, Superman/Airplane



          Great group this morning.  Thanks for taking a few laps around Birkdale with me.  Always an awesome way to start my day.

          Stromboli is the man.  War-daddy and he kills it.

          I’m leaving for spring break with the family today and Sunshine told me that his brother performs (sings) near where we’ll be.  I looked him up and our schedule might work to check him out.

          Great to have Co-ed out for his first Hollywood post.  3 weeks into F3 and he’s making his rounds of the AO’s.  Already been to 4 or 5.  Keep it up brother.  Can’t wait to see you out again soon.

          Auto is on the mend.  He isn’t running like he usually does – hope you’re back at it ASAP.

          Announcements were made – F3 Home Expo, FIA Date Night, Dad’s Camp, Daddy/Daughter Outing, 2017 Christmas Party – all will be well documented on the site – keep an eye out for details.

          Be a beacon so that those around you can see God through you.  It would be great if it’s through your words – but even better if it’s through your actions. 

          There is a strength in the PAX that I cherish each and every day.
