Breakin The Law

Event Date

Dec 03, 2022

Fng1- Backdraft

Fng2- High Country

  1. High Country is newly named Phillip Minter.  Learning his ranching skills is his passion currently.  Was his 2nd workout with us.

No Q, C# takes it again after Ziplock provides us a good warm up.

Look at strava, we checked every gate for an entry point, which lead us to continue to find ways to “break the law”.  We did wild and crazy things like:

-run the wrong way on ball fields

– stood close to the netting at the ball field, when sign posted said do not stand close to netting.

-We entered and exited the concession stand, un-invited.

-never could gain entry to the football field but we tried.

Along the way there was a bright yellow softball just waiting for us.  Much like last week’s provision of a tennis ball. We got creative with that and a nearby hill.

Then we hunted baseballs while mosey, 10 burpees when we found one.

Runners group met at launchpad and ran off after a few fist bumps.  They don’t get on the backblast, but did put in some work.


John 16:33

I have told you these things, so that in me you will have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.