Breaking all the Rules and Kicking Mother Nature in the Teeth!

Event Date

Feb 11, 2020

So last night there was a call for convergence, especially for those who wanted to escape the running of #TheVern.  The convergence must have been code for #fartsacking as only three brave souls decided to break the rules and still galavant at Gladiator while others Verned.

I knew it would be warm but I was unprepared for the amount of rain pouring down.  Mother Nature must be going through her changes because this is unreal.

When I pulled up, there were a row of cars but not in the usual spot…however there was one in the corner and shortly before go time, the shawdowy figure appeared…and it was Cherry Bomb.  Seconds later, one more car appeared and it was the MQ of Viking who actually broke the code for #fartsacking and joined by making us a trio.

It's go time!

Mosey to the lot by the cinder blocks…a running disclaimer about running on slippery concrete was given…it was abbreviated…I approved.

Warm O Rama


10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Toy soldiers IC



Grab two blocks:

Farmers Carry to the first island.  10 squats IC

Farmers Carry to the next island 10 squats IC

All the way to the cover by the gym and stopping at each island for squats.


All exercises in cadence:

Block swing x10

OH Press x10

Block Merkins x10 (my bad on not being clear)

Chest press x10

Lunge walk to gym doors and back


Lunge walk to gym doors and back


Curls x10

Block dips (Cherry Bomb was the smart one facing towards the dryness) x10

Russian Twist x10

Lawn Mower x5 each arm IC

Lunge walk to gym doors and back


Lunge walk to gym doors and back


Upright Row x10 IC

Squats x10 IC

Low flutter holding block x10

LBC holding block x10

Lungewalk to doors and back




Farmers Carry back to pile stopping along the way to almost each island. 10 squats.

Skipped the 2nd to last island to push and stopped and did 5 squats IC

Recover Recover


Quick prayer and appreciation for coming out.


Mentioned last year at MJ it was pouring and I was an ass rolling around in the rain…I got sick…not this time.  I care about my fitness, and others around me.

The lunges were pretty awful to be honest.

CB was smart to face the dryness during block dips while Fescue and I continued to soak our socks.  Duh.

Bday Q and Daytona tomorrow….and it will be dry.  Another trifecta.  See you there!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Never Take Anything For Granted.

-Humbly Yours
