Breaking down the burpee – Brickyard Style

Despite the last minute pre-blast warning on running, lunges and burpees sent out late Tuesday evening; 20 of Race City's finest showed up to the Brickyard.  You could feel the mumblechatter start as threats of long runs loomed before start time.

Immediately at 5:30 we ran around the building to what would later be known as station 2 for warm-o-rama which consisted of:

  • Side straddle hops
  • IST
  • Hillbillys 
  • Windmills

Then we ran past what would later be called station 3 at one corner of building and onto the last corner of building (aka station 4).  From this point I explained the xtra credit lunges (likely didn't call them extra credit just yet so everyone did several walking lunges….).  

The Thang:

Mosey from station 1, 2, 3, 4 all roughly at each corner of the building.

  1. 'Merkin
  2. Power Plank
  3. Jump Squat
  4. Burpee
  • Extra credit lunges between station 4 and 1 to allow pax to catch up.  

Lap 1 we did 20 of each excercise and unstacked by 2 each lap until we reached 10.

In the end we had time for just a little mary – LBC's, Miami Pickle Pushers and Flutterkicks.   

Many of us did 90 full burpees and 90 deconstructed burpees.  Others modified as necessary.  All made themselves stronger.  Nice work in the gloom!
