28 PAX Showed up at various times for a brick free Brick-Anniversary workout.  Last December, I dropped a brick on my head at Mad Scientist and bleed all over the parking deck.  Gnarly Goat drove me home Toxic went on Q’ing the workout.  It was great to see some PAX from that fateful day back today; Calypso, Scrappy, Toxic and Tweetsie…


*3 PAX for #thestandard 2 mile run

*Calypso, *Jolly Roger and *Mr Burns


**5 PAX for #thestandard 1.5 mile Apocopypto Blair Witch Ruck

**Captain America, **Tweetsie,  **Winnebago, **Prime Time, and **Fenway


***1 PAX for before and after run 4.4 miles



Tiramisu (War Daddy) /Ram Rod (War Baby)



-Jolly Roger High Jacked the PAX and took them to top of DPK Parking Deck as the Ruckers and Q arrived


-Cotton Pickers

-Mountain Climbers



-Jog to the cellar

-Quadraphilorama up ramp

-Side Step Straddle Hops (SSSH) Left Leg halfway and then SSSH Right Leg up rest of ramp

-Quadraphilorama up ramp

-Butt Kickers up next ramp

-Quadraphilorama up ramp

-Low fast feet up next ramp

-Pick a partner (Age matters)



Sprint down ramps to Christmas tree in Front of DPK…


-10 x Bobby Hurley Jump Squats one partner OYO (legs)

-10 x One Arm Burpees other partner OYO (core)

(Switch exercise)

-10 x WWII Sit ups in cadence (abs)


Mosey to Huntersville Elementary to Run the Gauntlet…

(Ended up in playground with a map of United States)


-20 or 21 x Step ups each leg OYO (legs) depending on what side of the Mason/Dixon you are from


PLANKORAMA (core & abs)

-Elbow Plank

-9 x One Arm Plank Presses in cadence 

-10 x Elbow Plank Jacks in cadence

-10 x One Arm Plank Presses in cadence

-10 x J Lo’s in cadence


Mosey through Huntersville Elementary to Run the rest of the Gauntlet…


-Peoples Chair the ball field fence until partner arrives (legs)

-Partner Plank for Tunnel of Love (core)

-Partner Tunnel of Love (abs) and then runs around the ballfield twice

(Switch exercise)


-Run to Cellar of DPK parking Deck…


-Peoples Chair the ball field fence until partner arrives (legs)

-Pushups x last 2 digits of your birth year OYO (core)

*Push up total can be split between partners

-Army sit-ups x last 2 digits of your birth year OYO (abs)

*Sit up total can be split between partners

-Quadraphilorama up 2 ramps


Jog back down to the ground level…



-25 x WWII sit ups in cadence



-Thank you Mr. Burns for leading at Mad Scientist and allowing YHC to lead today…  You talked me into Q’ing and I talked you into running your first Half Marathon: I won that deal.  Mr. Burns you are going to crush the Huntersville Half…

-YHC had a great off campus workout planned on the new 1 mile Nature Trail behind Huntersville Elementary but YHC could not find the trailhead in the darkened woods during #thestandard ruck…  We circled in Blair Witch fashion for 5 minutes before Prime Time found the trail and we were off on a mission to clear the trail of debris…  It is a great place to ruck close to Mad Sci…  Coupons available at the beginning of the trail (various logs and cider blocks).  The moisture on trail was as slick as a Pierogi Meme, so YHC decided to audible the workout Omaha, Omaha, Omaha…  Thanks for the advice Winnebago…

-Late start to the ruck and lack of vision pushed our return time to the AO…  Prime time gave us a time check so we ran back to Mad Sci with rucks…  Captain America and Tweetsie weren’t sure what to think and remained silent…

-Turned the corner around DPK to see to PAX run up to the top of the parking deck…  Jolly Roger pirated the PAX and took the highest ground…  Winnebago went after them and the rest of us dropped our packs and laced them up…  Cpt America and I tried to take the elevator to the top of the deck but it was off-line…  Ran to top to realized a lot more PAX had taken on the Mad Sci challenge on a dark, rainy December morning then I thought would…

-Several of the PAX commented they came to Mad Sci to stay out of the rain so we spent more time under cover than I originally planned…  Decided to go off campus after all and ran under the awnings to keep the peace…  Stopped at one of the playgrounds with a US map…  Stated, if you were from South of the Mason-Dixon Line you had to do 20 reps and if you were North you had to do 21…  The Northerners weren’t sure where the Mason-Dixon line was so Prime Time gave a geography lesson on the spot…

-Also, learned today that side planks are not as fun as normal if Calypso’s shorts are in your face…

-The groaning from the PAX began to rise as it started to rain a little…  So the Jolly Roger in me came out and I called, “TUNNEL OF LOVE”…  That’s when the morning got a lot weirder…  Low hanging fruit and tea bags were apparently on special today?  The big guys Olive, Bago and more shot through the tunnel like an Incoginition’s Roman candle…  Ty Webb, Jedi and Professor were just a blur…  Don’t know what happened with Jolly Roger’s “lumpy plank”?  Heard the “lumpy plank” blew out a hammy and put someone’s eye out?  I was really hoping for an injury free workout…

-Tweetsie was a solid partner for me today…  He commented during the birth year Army PT test, “you know some of these guys were born in the 80’s”.  Some of us born in the 60’s got a little break today…  Although, some helped the young ones finish their reps…

-Does Scrappy bring the dog because he wants to workout with someone with shorter legs?  Doesn’t matter: Scrappy and the dog were faster than everyone anyway…

-Olive keep coming out and just modify the workouts until your arm heals…  I modified the workout to some of my old one arm exercises for you…  I learned from the best one armer; Elmers.

-Toxic thanks for taking us out in prayer…  Even though you were beside me and I couldn’t find you?  I wanted you to have a special honor today at Mad Sci after I bled all over your Mad Sci workout last year.  Merry Brickmas to Toxic!!!

-Blackbeard good luck on your adoption you will have a lot of strong men praying for your family

-Always great to be at Mad Sci… There are a lot of men getting better there and a lot men are stronger today than they were yesterday…

-Words from Tweetsie today, My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! Psalms 121:2