Brick Kwon Do

Event Date

Oct 24, 2024


When I noticed Fission was without a Q on Wednesday morning, Airstream challenged me to sign up. I opted to give others a few more hours to grab it first, but when it was still empty at lunchtime, I assumed it was fate.

Later that evening, I went by the MightyJungle AO to pick up some bricks. Gnarly Goat pulled into the parking lot for evening Mass, and thinking someone was stealing F3 property, came by to check on the situation. Fortunately, he recognized me and did not call it in. Unfortunately, there would be no surprise of what was coming at 0525 the next morning.

With the surprise ruined like a Christmas morning when the kids have already sniffed out their presents hidden under their parents’ bed, YHC dropped the tailgate and offered 2 bricks to each of the 7 pax gathered in the gloom. Jersey Boy was feeling greedy and took 4. 

Over the next 45 minutes, we did various exercises, most of them while holding roughly 7# of dried clay in our hands. We also focused on maximizing resistance by holding our form for half of the cadence. Exercises included:

  • Overhead seal clap
  • Brickmill
  • Slow squat (down on 1, hold on 2 & 3, up)
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Walking lunges
  • Arm circles
  • Tricep extensions (up on 1, hold on 2 & 3, down)
  • Merkins (down on 1, hold on 2 & 3, up)
  • Reverse Fly (up 1, hold on 2 & 3, down)
  • 8-count body builder
  • Walking with bricks overhead, out to side, out in front
  • Running the stairs
  • People’s Chair w/ Seal Clap & Brick Press
  • Praying Mantis w/ Bricks
  • Mason (Brick) Twist
  • LBCs
  • Suzanne Sommers

If I missed anything, it is only because the #mumblechatter was in high gear. Some of the comments overheard while trying to keep some form of control:

  • Everyone thinks of Stapler when doing Moroccan Nightclubs
  • A white border around stop signs in WV means they’re optional
  • Former Huntersville Elementary students thinks stop signs have 6 sides
  • Despite the streetlights, we should have had headlamps
  • He-man had gay biceps
  • Someone cast a shadow of their square-shaped sack on the church doors
  • Another had difficulty with the stairs having grown up in a ranch-style house
  • Adding 1-1/2″ is a lot for your SO, but even more so for yourself
  • The Panthers beat the Browns this year (despite not having them on the schedule)

I am pleased to note that #coffeeteria had 100% attendance confirming that we all know what the most important part of F3 is. Thanks to the gang for the support and accountability by joining me on this fine morning.

