Brick laying in the August heat

The OG's were out in force, it was great seeing the old schoolers out mixed in with a few newer faces great mix of Pax

13 Pax for some brick laying excercise that included: 

There were 2 rules:  

1. If you set your brick down then 5 brickees

2.  See rule #1

Warm O rama with various brick freindly excercises

Walking Merkins

Duck Walk squats

Bear Crawl Carolina Dry Docks

Crab Walk WWII situps

Break for bricks included mobility moment by Gnarly Goat

Mosey to the wall.   For 3 rounds of peoples chair (Toxic was showing off with a little upside down presses) coupled with various brick excercises including the ever popular "land the airplane"

Mosied back to the pull up bar area and commenced in Rocket Brickees (but only half the course).  

Finished with a potpourri of Mary (and non Mary excercises thanks to Soprano and Ultraman) lead by various pax.   

Coffeteria at Defined Coffee at LFC

Thanks to all for enduring this complilation of brick excercises


