Bricks Don’t Conduct Heat

Event Date

Jan 23, 2021

Six of MILF3’s finest came out to the Quarry Hood for a promised sedentary workout where we move inanimate objects. It was glorious.


SSH, Tabatha/basketball drill, TS, Windmill, Carrot pickers

The Thang

Come get yo’ bricks. Two in a pair. Do a bunch of different exercises with the aid of bricks. Most of these were accompanied by the “hold” feature about halfway thru the reps before finishing the reps

  • 10 part man maker mercans

  • WWII with chest fly on the down

  • Decline mercans

  • Incline mercans

  • Squats with OH press

  • Front raise

  • Side raise

  • Front row (trapezious)

  • Chicken wing row

  • Reverse shoulder flies

  • Bent over row

  • Gun show curls

  • Hammer curls with OH Press

  • Skull crusher

  • Tri extensions

  • Diamond brick mercans

  • Dips

  • Squats with front row

  • Walking lunges

  • Apollo Anton Ono / Gaye Blayde

  • Billy Blanks set (rapido)

    • OH press

    • Jabs

    • Hooks

    • Uppercut

    • Bent over pummeling (aka, assault)

    • Cross body knee ups / bricks down pummeling

  • Mason twist

  • W ups

  • OH Pull crunch

  • Leg lifts with bricks with each Pax counting down from 10 at their preferred pace


  • Since there would be no running during the workout, three fellas ran to Riverbend for the workout and then back. Solid.

  • Does that flag have the shocker symbol on it?

  • Sean T of Insanity workout fame made a couple of references today

  • While useful in construction, bricks definitely don’t give off any heat. Thus the double glove recommendation in the pre-blast

  • Grip is starting off the New Year strong with regular attendance. Some would go as far as saying that he is padding his stats

  • Although the finger has not been right since, at least the pizza and beer were saved in Slow's sliding door incident

  • Apollo Ono with bricks have been known to make ones outer heiny fairly tender

  • If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you then and only then you know it was meant to be. This famous saying has been adopted for a Dry January perspective

  • 10-4skin

  • We heard our first Natty Week reference today. Gotta get this calf right first

  • Am a little out of practice with the mumblechatter capture, but the fellas were spilling gold out there, and I know I missed some nuggets.  Pure gold

  • With so few things that can be relied on these days, it is helpful to be reminded that bricks never disappoint

  • It’s both an Honor and a Privilege fellas