The crowd was anxious as the clock struck 5:30, and the cars continued to roll in.  We had no time for warm-a-rama (or disclaimers for Frogger), and immediately headed to the Jeep.  YHC had a plan, which i 'knew' Rocket couldn't compete with!

We loaded up with 2 bricks each, and after some initial concern that we weren't going to do the Pledge of Allegiance, we headed back to the flag and assumed the Plank position.  Remaining in the plank, we placed our right hands (with bricks) on our hearts, and honored the greatest country on earth!!

In honor of Spring, and the start of the baseball season, we headed to the baseball field, and partnered up.  Using one set of bricks per couple, we proceeded to wheelbarrow around the bases, alternating between partners.

After waving off a few calls from the PAX, YHC gave the signal for the next trip around the bases…brick crawls.  We stopped at 1st and 3rd for some squats and Moroccan Brick Clubs, and the the 3rd base Q called for the (non)runners to steal home with some Dragon Brick Crawls.

In the bottom of the 9th, with no runners on, and the score tied 1-1, YHC pitched the next exercise…alternating Walk Brick Crabs and Crab Brick Walks, again holding up at 3rd base.  And once again, the 3rd base Q called for the PAX to steal home with Dragon Brick Crawls.

Finally, we moseyed back to the parking lot to celebrate with some Dot-the-i's, J-Lo, and Bicep Mericans.  The bricks were returned to the Jeep (though some PAX must have misunderstood my commands to put them in the back, and decided to put theirs on the floorboard of the cockpit!).

Rocket didn't stand a chance against that masterpiece of a beatdown, right?!!!

With my bricks still being returned, the PAX followed Rocket, in a mosey, down the parking lot.  Wait…why is he opening the hatch to his not-Jeep?  What's going on??  Are those bricks in there???

Well played Rocket!  I did not see that coming!!

Additionally, he had music!!!

He lead us through some more Moroccan Brick Clubs with Squat Jumps, executed to Van Halen's Jump. 

Still in shock from his masterful plan, i'm not sure of the exact order, or completeness, of the following events…

YHC was presented with a tube of his favorite pain reliever (another Master stroke!). This was followed with some forward and overhead seal brick claps.

Then, to everyone's shock, Rocket removed his top layer to reveal a Xichagan t-shirt!??  (He tried to leave the shirt on my car after the workout, but i promptly removed it!)  We proceeded to do some suicides with brickees, and then side-planks with Shoulder Brick Mericans, as we worked our way to The Wall.

At The Wall, we did a variety of People's Chair, with Brick Crawls and Lunge Walks.

We moseyed back to the parking lot, and wrapped it up with Touch Them Heals and J-Lo's



  • Thanks to Samsonite for offering up his AO for QvQ today.  I think we got him 5 or 6 Qs to help load the calendar.  YHC agreed to take next Friday, and 9-Lives, Tuffy, and others stepped up as well!
  • I'm honored by the win today, and still somewhat stunned by Rocket's game plan (which he informed me 2 weeks ago that he already had in mind!).
  • The Force informed me that he couldn't vote for me because he only got to experience 1/2 of my workout, since he was late!  How is that fair?!!
  • Thanks to Frontier for his generous donation of this AO!
  • Etch was not a fan of the Dot-the-i's…i'm not sure why!??  Before the vote, he informed me that he was going to hold off on his vote, and if it was a tie, he was going to throw a late flag and offer his vote for Rocket!  Ouch!!!
  • Rumor was that it was very close, but somehow i still managed to squeak out a W!?
  • I'm pretty sure that Holiday appreciated the Dot-the-i's at least!
  • Thanks to everyone who showed.
  • It's now down to the final 4!  YHC will be taking on Amen at Mighty Oak next week.