Bricktards at the Brickyard

15 men, and two real men (visiting Navy SEAL’s), assembled for the Trackscan Brickyard beat down.  Pressure was on YHC as the week’s preceding workouts were amped up, reminiscent of the kind of ass whoopin’s tucked away in the dark, tortured recesses of our minds  that we dare only to think about, but not discuss.  The kind of workouts that leave men scarred or diapered for life.  Our kind of workout.     Some number of men….7  I believe, stretched their legs in a pre-workout run. 

Warm up with two laps around parking lot

SSH’s 20 DC

15 Windmills (because they make us look flamboyant)

20 step ups on wall

20 Mericans

15 Mountain Climbers


The Thang-glodyte

The men made the most of a pile of bricks by moving the pile government style (for no apparent reason).


Grab 2 bricks run across parking lot / stack – run back 50 DC LBC’s

Grab 2 bricks run across parking lot / stack – run back 60 DC Flutters

Grab 2 bricks run across parking lot / stack – run back 30 Mason Twists

Grab 2 bricks run across parking lot / stack – run back 25 crunches each side


Grab 2 bricks run across street to parking lot

Bear Crawl with bricks / return Gorilla Walk – repeat

Partner up – wheelbarrow two bricks across parking lot to original brick pile – run back to stack

Grab two bricks – 25 DC SSH’s – run across parking lot to original pile – run back to stack

Grab two bricks – Al Gore with bricks – run across parking lot to original pile – run back to stack

Grab two bricks – lunge walk / extensions – run across parking lot to original pile – run back to stack

Grab two bricks – 8 DC Diamond-Regular-wide grip Mericans  – run across parking lot to original pile – run back to stack

Clean up leftovers

60 seconds of LBC’s….recover, recover


NEW!!  The Mohel  skin

A mohel (Hebrew: ??????‎ [mo’hel], Ashkenazi pronunciation [‘m??.?l], plural: ????????? mohalim [mo.ha’lim], Aramaic: ????????‎ mohala, "circumciser") is a Jew trained in the practice of brit milah, the "covenant of circumcision."

How awesome is it that we have two Navy SEAL’s working out with us to remind us of A) how fortunate we are to live in the freedoms they secure for us and B) how out of shape we are.  Santiago, thanks sincerely for bringing them.  They are an inspiration.

Very little….nay I say “Nothing” brings more joy to YHC than hearing brothers yell “Bullshit!” during a workout.  Then I know I’m hurting the ones I care most about.  Today there was a chorus.

I piled on some Mary-esque exercises today since bikini season is upon us and as Manhands says “We’re going to look so good naked.”  Why he floats that trial balloon regularly is a little creepy. 

There’s something wrong with Manhands.  Has anyone read the book or seen the movie “Of Mice and Men?”  He’s Lenny.

If When the “Sh*t hits the fan” I got dibs on standing behind Lear.  He’s indestructible.

Great turnout!  Good to see some guys getting regular again. 

Observation while wheelbarrowing with Mailman:  He waddles like an elephant.


How awesome is it that we are adding years and quality to our lives, at no expense, other than to be there to support one another?  I would definitely not do this on my own.  I hope I’m returning the favor.