Bridge Over the River Nine

Event Date

Sep 19, 2022

YHC doesn't recall signing up to Q Arnie's this morning, but an auto-generated email kindly remided me of my commitment this past Friday.  Anyone who has attended an Estwing workout knows I like to put together a themed beatdown.  It's 9/19, so the best I could do on short notice was incorporating a bunch of 9s, 19s, and a 91.

7 other Pax and a dog showed up to make 9 attendees.  Let's go.


  • SST x 91 IC

  • Toy Soldier x 9 IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 9 IC
  • Hillbilly x 9 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can xIC
  • Down in High Plank to stretch the calves
  • Mountain Climber x 19 IC
  • Plank Jacks x 19 IC


Grab blocks.  Note: The Arnie's block pile has relocated since the last time I was there.  After a short hike through the woods, head toward the street.  Grumbling begins.

As we walk toward the bridge, stop along the way for:

  • Squats x 9 IC
  • Curls x 9 IC
  • Overhead Presses x 9 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 9 IC

Once at the bridge, blocks down for some quick cardio:

  • Bear Crawls Down
  • Quadriphilia Back
  • Low Side Shuffle Down
  • Low Side Shuffle in Back Other Direction
  • Hop Over Bridge Wall x 9 in Each Direction


Grab the blocks for the mosey back:

  • Bent Over Rows x 9 IC
  • Right Arm Lawnmower x 9 IC
    • ?At this point Kosar's block disintigrates
  • Left Arm Lawnmower x 9 IC
  • Block Merkins x 9 IC
  • Chest Press x 19 IC

Not done yet!  Blocks away and head to the pull-up bars.  Time for a quick ladder:

  • 9 Pull-ups, Run to Picnic Tables for 1 Dip, etc.
  • Audible to 8/2, 6/4, 4/6, 2/8


  • Estwing: LBC x 19 IC
  • Auto: Merkins x 9 IC
  • Smokey: Mason Twist x 9 IC
  • Tammy Faye: Homer to Marge x 9
  • Lego: Low Flutter x 19 IC
  • Roadie: Freddie Mercury x 19 IC
  • Tuffy: WWII Sit-ups x 9
  • Kosar: Penalized for Breaking a Block

Recover, recover.



  1. ?The first REALLY nice morning weather but we still got a good sweat in
  2. Always great to see Lotte, the most positive attitude in attendance this morning
  3. Really struggling for post-workout announcements now that the 8k is behind us
  4. Auto doesn't like leaving the quiet comfort of the Birkdale clubhouse parking lot
  5. Auto also doesn't like Lowe's setting Christmas in September (not my department)