20 pax joined YHC at Arnie's Army on a wet Monday morning, wondering what variations on AA workout staples YHC had planned.  FNG-1 was Robbie Falls, on his second post – now F3 Niagara.  See moleskin below.


Lego led 6 other BRR-training pax – DonHo, The Geek, Landline, Ninja Turtle, YHC, and PopTart (who ducked the beatdown in favor of additional miles) – on an accelerating pace #Standard through Birkdale.  Tclaps to all on a healthy paced run.



Mosey lap around parking lot, circle up, disclaimer.

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Carrot Pullers x 10 IC (in honor of Master Q Auto, who was OOT today)
  • Mericans x 10 IC


Mosey in direction of bridge.  Stop at intersection of Devonshire Dr and Stonemont Rd.  Partner up.

  • Partner plank sit-ups x 20 (each partner)

Continue mosey to bridge.

All pax file onto bridge walkway, then squeeze back.  All pax up in usual "bridge" position, but rather than sending bears crawling underneath, pax on end gets down from bridge position, does an up-and-over bridge wall, sprints to opposite end of pax line, does another up-and-over bridge wall, and goes back up in "bridge" position.  Repeato until all pax are off bridge.

Mosey past bridge along Devonshire in direction of Birkdale #3 tee box.  Stop halfway.

  • Monkey Humpers x 20 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC

Continue mosey to #3 tee box.  Find your partner.

  • P1 run up hill to #3 tee box, perform 10 Mericans OYO while P2 performs LBCs AMRAP on sidewalk
  • Flip-flop
  • Repeato, performing one fewer Merican at top each trip, until all pax have gone from 10 Mericans down to 1

Mosey back along Devonshire toward bridge.  Stop halfway.

  • Monkey Humpers x 20 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC

Continue mosey to bridge.

All pax on road side of bridge wall, squeeze back and get into People's Chair.  Pax on end comes out of People's Chair, does an up-and-over bridge wall, bear crawls on bridge walkway to opposite end of pax line, does another up-and-over bridge wall, then gets back in People's Chair.  Repeato until all pax are off bridge.  (All pax bear crawled 3 times…)

Mosey back to Arnie's AO.  Circle up.


  • ABCs (capital letters)
  • Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC

Recover, recover.


  • Welcome to Robbie Falls, now F3 Niagara, who already looks to be in F3 equivalent of mid-season form. Great having you out there with us this morning, and look forward to seeing you again next time. Workouts won't get easier, but promise you'll get stronger.  Hat tip to Lego on another strong naming.
  • Thanks to the pax for indulging YHC's desire to switch up the usual bridge routine.  To me, part of the fun of F3, as Q follower, is in not really knowing what the Q has planned next; and part of the fun, as Q, is in trying to come up with fresh and creative ways to beat the pax down, while hopefully still delivering a good workout.  I love the usual bridge routine, but felt like tweaking it a bit today.  Hope it was still fun and comparably challenging.
  • While the Q can usually count on some gripes from the pax, it's not always easy to ancipate what they'll be.  Today the pax predictably wondered, "wait, where are the bears?" while in bridge position.  The pax also didn't know when to stop crawling due to People's Chair pax line being on other side of wall.  I get all that. But they also groused about the LBCs at the bottom of the #3 tee box.  I suppose we did do a ton of LBCs there, but that's still the first time YHC has ever fielded complaints regarding LBCs.  Cobains.
  • Thanks to the Birkdale Clown Car crew for always showing up in numbers to support YHC's Qs.  It was great having you there.  Thanks also to Waffle House, who I'm looking forward to travelling with around Lake Norman this week as we attempt to complete the Basin Challenge.  Anyone else who wants to join, please give one of us a holler.  We're heading to Mooresville tomorrow for The Rock.
  • Many thanks to Auto for the opportunity to Q.  My first post was to Arnie's, back in June 2016.  It has always been one of my favorite workouts, in part because of the great crew of regulars who routinely post there, and in part thanks to Callahan's excellent leadership and consistently worthy beatdowns.  The AO continues to be in great hands with Auto, and I look forward to many future workouts there.
  • Speaking of Auto, and of Eeyore, who was of course present today, can't thank these gentlemen enough for having introduced me to F3.  I'm forever grateful.  Thanks guys.
  • Finally, many thanks to Aussie for taking us out today.  That was really excellent, and a great way to start the day.