Bring Back BOM

YHC had to scramble at 0458 to warm up the gloves and get out of the truck as Turnpike was seemingly wandering out into the road on his own. Would he be able to find his way back? Would we ever see him again? Oh good there's Tantrum. The three of us launched promptly at 0500 and all roads lead to Mortimer Hill…allegedly. TP and Tantrum only knew 2 mile routes so to the moon we went. We redesigned the website while Tantrum signed up Turnpike for LinkedIn and showed YHC a precarious rock pile that we wouldn't have time to use anyways and BOOM back to the AO in ~3 miles.


Little Finger surmised that we were in MIL. He wasn't wrong but Gambini forgot his sled so we chose to run back to Isotope with 11. YHC disclaimed important things to himself and started hopping, trooping and long snapping while the rest of the pax hit the watercooler and waited for Jimmy O and Professor. 13…perfect. Crunchy grass IS scary T-Bone so we got back on the road to be more like gods or titans or demigods. 


We found more crunchy grass so we stopped for some Dora but not the typical Dora, the kind of Dora that the pax have never done before. Count by 1? And do Apolo Ohnos while my partner does mericans? The nerve. YHC knew the pax couldn't go anywhere during this Dora or they would have come back with a plate of bacon, some biscuits and probably the closest yappy dog. Sorry Latta Springs, they are new here.


Wore out our welcome in the crunchy grass so we went to the moon…errr top of Mortimer Hill…to be like gods or titans or demi-gods. Up / downs just like in Remember the Titans at the top except Julius Campbell was doing squats, Gary Bertier was doing mericans, and Sunshine was just talking to Turncoat. Same same. Run back to the crunchy grass.


Sh$t was that Professor? He gone.


Back in our comfort zone of Dora, T-Bone found a new partner and some warm concrete to do LBCs while his partner squatted. Popcorn searched for Danke Schoen and found Jimmy O and YHC circled the wagon to make sure everyone was doing something beyond just laying there. More confusion ensued. Do the pax count squats or LBCs? Just do what Stray does, it will be fine. Back to the moon…errr top of Mortimer hill…to be like gods or titans or demi-gods.


While with the gods or titans or demi-gods, we did WWII situps in cadence…kinda. It was that or the pre-game entrance dance from the movie and we already woke up half the hood so we went with the former. Now tether yourself to Professor and enjoy the ride back to the crunchy grass.


We got mobile then moseyed back to the AO with a quick stop at an arbor for the last round of Dora. New partner and new challenge. Mountain climbers and dips. Count every leg and every dip or just stand there and talk…thats fine too.


0612 we made it back to the pool and went as far in to the parking lot as possible while Jingle Bells scurried home to grab his laptop. Homer to Marge, hold its, and burpees of course. Surprise!?! Everyone who attended today just signed up for a future Q at Titan. Sign em up Jingle and don't look back. They all need it and the pax need their leadership. Oh and sign up 9 Lives too, he lives on the west side. Recover recover. 


While signing up to Q Titan, HC for Quarter Ruck, Speed for Need at Dale Beatty Memorial 5K, and QvQ Tournament of Champions. Join us in lifting up Hippie, who lost his dad recently, and Little Finger, who lost his uncle. Sorry gentlemen. Please let us know if you need anything. We will be praying.


Seriously, thank you Jingle Bells for the opportunity to Q at Titan. Thank you to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation and for joining YHC this morning at an awesome AO that is really easy to find. 13 pax found it this morning with no problems. Well 13 pax found it this morning, let's stick with that. All 13 pax crushed this workout with some tough hills. Probably needed more burpees. Either way we finished strong filling most of March with Qs at Titan (well will be full once the pax sign up).


Oh yeah and we did Ball of Man this morning. Feels like its time to get back to BOM. If you are uneasy or its not for you, thats fine too. Find a spot on the outside of the BOM that feels comfortable. Now go be the light for someone that needs you most today. Until the next time…