Bring Gloves!

Event Date

Jul 20, 2017


Warm o Rama

  • SSH, hilbbilly walkers, hillbilly toy soldier, cotton pick'n cherry pickers

The Thang

Decend into woods, determine if HOA has removed cached bricks, experience disappointment that they haven't, grab some bricks and return to the line.

  • Newton’s Cradle – plank position (with bricks) and extend your left arm perpendicular to your body until it is parallel to the ground. Return and repeat with the right arm to complete the four count cadence.

  • Colt45 – 45 curls; 15 low curl; 15 high curl; 15 full curl

  • We’re not Worthy! Party on Wayne – front raise; 10 IC

  • Overhead press; one arm at time; 4 count, 10x

  • Quarter Pounder with Cheese:

    • Run 25 yards then 10 mercans, run backwards to goal

    • 10 giddyap squats, run to Mountain Climbers,

    • backwards to goal and Brickpees

  • Cusak – the “Say Anything” run with bricks as the boom box

Round 2 – Repeato el uno

Round 3 – Repeato el dos-o


J-Lo, modified WWII (arms and legs), box cutters, le Velo (bicycle), LBC


  • El Tigre observes that back-to-back Hillbilly walkers followed by hillbilly toy soldier really stretches out the groin. Pax avoids eye contact with El Tigre for duration of workout.
  • The Bricks are the Cheese!
  • On backwards runs, 911 shares a profound cultural insight acquired from his most recent trip to England. There, the sound lorries (trucks) make when going in reverse is not beep-beep-beep, it is whoosh-whoosh-whoosh.  Q feels that 911 should be added to the pantheon of great cultural anthropologists like Weber, Boas, and Mitz.
  • Q imagines Ginsu thinking to himself – why are you surprised, the English can't do anything right
  • Pax learns that in France, FFF is the Frech Football something, and not the French version of F3.
  • Great workout men! It was a pleasure and privelege to lead!