What a surprise…14 for HalfLife!!
3 pax ran to BRP from the Antiquity Harris Teeter and a few ran The Standard.
The was some resistance to running hills so we did a warm-up to the entrance of Hough where 5 guys rolled off to run hills and the rest went to the track for some recovery speed work. All of us ran at least 4 miles and we laughed from start to finish.
- By far the biggest group since I took over as the MQ, this means only one thing…race season is here
- Great to see Hippie out this morning as well as Fresh Prince
- This morning was the first time I've seen Fresh Prince at something other than Taco Tuesday
- If you are running a race this year, be sure to make it to a speed workout regularly, they work, that's personal experience talking
- Thanks to everyone that showed this morning